
Friday, November 5, 2010

Dear Olive,

Another trip to the inner west (and another sleep in the car). This time our destination was Newtown, to see my sister. In addition to getting to see your much adored cousin Roxy and Aunty Anika, we made the best of the best the west has to offer at (in my opinion) Sydney's best kids store, Shorties. Our purpose was sandals for Roxy for Christmas but she wasn't sure. I didn't let you leave empty handed though. Hello new bloomers (two pairs), hello new singlet.

 (For any Sydneysiders with kids who haven't been to Shorties - you don't know what you're missing out on. Get down there.)


captain kk said...

gorgeous photos.. such a happy little person :)

Jgee said...

Dear Olive, you are such a lucky little girl, your Mama buys you such fab threads.

The Franglaise said...

Shorties is such a great name for a kiddie shop! Love Olive's new bloomers. What a groovy little chica.

Maria said...

Love Olive's yellow shorts (or bloomers, geez hope I got that right!). Shorties looks cool - it will come in handy come April next year :)

Lizeylou said...

I love bloomers .... Super super cute!!

Little Paper Trees said...

these are adorable!


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