Getting Out

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Olive,

I can count on two hands the number I've times we've left you babysitters at night (always family or a friend). When you were young, you pretty much came everywhere with us, happily sleeping wherever we were. After a few months, you were so crazy at the whole sleeping thing I was terrified to leave you with anyone. I guess I was so tired, too, that I pretty much lost my will to live, let alone go out. Recently, though, I've been wanting to get out more, get a bit more of me back. Your sleeping's getting a little better, and I'm starting to realise that even if you do wake up when I'm not there, you'll still probably be ok. (Yes, I'm finding it hard to let go!) Last night, you stayed with Dadda while I hit the town on a ladies christmas dinner. Delicious pasta, champagne, spectacular desserts and a whole bunch of ladies looking for a laugh. Such fun. So tired today, but so very worth it.


this free bird said...

I'm so glad you were able to get out and have some fun. My sis-in-law is just starting to try it and the guilt/fear factor is tough to over come. Slowly but surely I keep saying :)


Jgee said...

Go you for getting out. I must say, it is important for us Mamas to get out and live a little. I'm always pooped the next day but it's always worth it for some adult interaction, a few vinos and some people watching. I can never sleep when I get home, like a giddy school girl going through the night's events in my head!

Mia said...

Congratulations for taking that step - everyone is better off when mum is happy!!!

Notes from Holly St. said...

it must've felt great to get a little bit of you back...i'm sure you'll be a better and happier mom for it!

Lizeylou said...

Sounds like a really fun night. It can be hard to leave them, but boy is it good for me to get out and feel like my own person again. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Still haven't had a night out - but then, there is just the two of us and I tend to use my family good will for boring things (dentist, doctor etc). I do love hearing about nights on the town - makes me remember that one day; one day there will be dancing shoes on these feet again. Thanks ever so much for this feel good reminder!

Love the pressie wrapping.

Nell said...

Those are the most pretty parcels i've ever seen. So lovely xx

come over sunday said...

It can be so easy to forget there is light at the end of the tunnel (not that having a baby is like being in a tunnel..but you know what I mean). xx


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