Knit One Purl One

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dear Olive,

When I was about 16 I got my Gran (your Great Grandma on my Mums side) to teach me how to knit. She was a prolific knitter and all of us 12 Grandkids and many Great Grandkids proudly got around in her amazing knitwear that had everything from trucks to koalas with boggly eyes knitted on them. Unfortunately, at the time she showed me how to knit and purl I was a huge disappointment (and she was none too patient with me either!). But every few years I get re-inspired and pick up some needles and knit a (usually half-completed) scarf or something basic. But recently I've been thinking about some business ideas involving children's knitwear and I've been trying to improve my own skills so I can actually make you some knitted garments. Anyway, on a recent trip up to visit your Papa, my Aunty Bev gave me Gran's knitting bag (Sadly, Gran passed away a few years ago). There was lots of wool and needles but the most amazing items were her old knitting pattern books ... they are so so great. 

You absolutely must have one of these in every size from 1 to 15:

One "Crackerjack" cardi for you and one "Crackerjack" cardi for me, thank you:

Loving this "Downtown" dress and the cute model:

Perhaps Shane would like a "Man's Helmet", as modeled by a sinister looking smoking man?

I love a good hunt in some knitwear. This ad appears in one of the books:

PS If anyone would like any of these patterns, send me a message and I'll post you a copy.


1. Katrina@capturingmoments said...

I'm soo hoping you made one of those man helmets!


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