Dadda Day

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dear Olive,

It's Happy Fathers Day to Dadda today! He didn't really have a Dadda growing up which makes the incredible Dadda he is to you all the more amazing. Where did he learn to parent like this? He's endlessly patient, wildly fun and so so loving. You adore him and it brings a sweet salty tear to my eye to see the two of you together. You got him a cute card, a couple of little pressies and lunch at the pub. What more could a Dadda want?

(Card from Paper2.)


Melanie Waugh said...

Awesome photos Kel.. are they on your new camera?

Lulu and her whimsical ways! said...

such a wonderful idea for a blog. Your darling Olive will treasure this one day! xx


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