The Spending Spree

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear Olive,

I don't know what's happened to me recently, I've had a total blow out. New Gorman outfit (for me - although part of this is courtesy of a very generous gift from a friend - thank you Jen!), vintage dress (for you - I've just discovered all the amazing vintage kids clothes on etsy - crap, there goes the budget), new t-shirt (for me), new t-shirts and leggings (for you), new books (for you - plus loads of books for gifts for all the birthdays we have coming up) and a lovely re-usable cardboard cake tier which I thought was probably absolutely essential to have as the mini cupcake stand at your party. All purchased from the comfort of our very own lounge room. Now, the impatient waiting and letterbox checking begins. The thing about all this is, once you start spending it's just so hard to stop ...

Your books arrived today. This book is unreal. It's illustrated by Paul Rand who is described on the sleeve as being one of most influential graphic designers of the 21st Century. I can't comment on that, but I can confirm that he and his wife make fantastic kids books.


this free bird said...

Oh! She loves it!! And she's gonna love those trips to the mailbox, too :)


Maxabella said...

Spending can be so much fun when there is so many terrific things to purchase. I go through 'no' stages to 'go' stages and then I just go nuts too. x

Rin said...

is that astro turf? if so... awesome.

Evie said...

hmm i call the lounge room purchases gifts when they arrive! its so nice receiving gifts in the mail, isnt it : )

Maggie May said...

i just love the name Olive.

LM_Toone said...
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LM_Toone said...

god me too kel, my credit card has been really copping a hiding lately! i blame it on the favourable exchange rate. oh and jen for telling me about that

LM_Toone said...

oh you can tell i deleted my last post! i had to edit it - crammed with spelling mistakes and poorly structured sentences. i didnt get a BA for nuthin ya know!


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