A Girl and a Teapot

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Olive,

All the things I've thought to write about this week have just seemed too trite. Really, who cares about my new christmas tea set when friends, family, fellow bloggers, fellow humans and helpless animals, have faced the loss of everything, including life, in the floods. So I'm feeling grateful for the stress free and beautiful time we've had together this week. Plenty of walks, beautiful sunny beach times, loads of cuddles and what could potentially be considered far too much delicious food. Your Dadda and I are definitely guilty of focusing too much on what we don't have, but we should probably just take stock and be grateful for what we do have - at least every now and then. When it comes down to it, we live a pretty charmed life. (Although we - I mean, your Dadda - also works really hard for it.) We've got you and your smiles, we have each other, many lovely friends, lots of lovely family, our health and our minds (ok, admittedly I should possibly only count this one in part for me). Plus, in addition to all those amazing things and more, I do have my very fancy and much loved new tea set. 


1. Jgee said...

Last photo= too cute. I totally agree, takes a tragedy like Queensland to kick us into gear and realise how lucky we are, huh. Same thing has happened in our house.

2. Anonymous said...

That was really touching. Beautiful blog, and a very beautiful little Olive xx Stacey


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