Oh My!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear Olive,
Friday night and I'm trawling etsy. Oh dear. It's going to be winter soon (in our hemisphere anyway) and I just had to share these unreal knits. Pricey but surely justifiable? (From here.)


Rin said...

It's times like this when I wish I had a great aunt Ethel who was super nifty at making jumpers like this.
They are so great.

These are cute too


CASPER said...

Divine! I want them all!!

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Ahh the dangers of Etsy!! I know them well!!
Awesome blog. So glad I found you via AMB.
Following you now with GFC.
You can find me over at:

Rachel Elizabeth said...

Adorable! Etsy is so dangerous!


Thanks for your comments on my guest blog Kellie! And, yes they were Briar & Mark swizzle sticks! Haha...I went a bit nuts for a while there ; )

Such cute jumpers!! B x

Sal {Daniel and I} said...

Thank you for your lovely comment and stopping by for a read of my blog :-). Tea and cake were resorted to today funnily enough! Probably shouldn't make a habit of it...

Sal X

ejorpin said...

They are AMAZING! Oh gosh...to have a little person to dress, what fun! I wonder if they do dog versions?

Nell said...

I'm bored at work at blog stalking. Can you tell? These jumpers are insane and totally worth the price. Now I just have to figure out a way of getting Ben to believe it was a charity shop find...ha! xx


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