
Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Olive,
It's been truly excellent to be back at home with you and we've had a fun week - busy, yet peaceful (although today I fear we may both be in danger of succumbing to colds). I'm fascinated by this whole learning how to talk that you're going through, it's so fun to see your language unfolding (your personality too) and I'm constantly marvelling at your learning processes. One of the cutest things is that although you answer to and know your name is Olive, because I call you you, you refer to yourself as you. (You confused?) A conversation will go along thus; 
Me: Bite for Mum? 
You: No! You! (Followed by you devouring what it was I wanted a bite of.)

PS Note to self: however cute, your new red beanie should not be paired with green cardi. Excepting, of course, when resemblance to Christmas elf is desired.


Greer said...

Hey Kel, must be the week for cutie-pies in red hats!

one claire day said...

"No! You!" haha- So funny the way they process things. I mean, it actually makes total sense that she would think her name is "you". Adorable!

...Loving the bare bum in the park, too. Priceless.

x claire

Notes from Holly St. said...

lol aww that's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I loved the you stage! So cute and so clever. Me is a really hard concept because one rarely refers to anything/anyone as me.

Love love love the red riding hood! She so so so cute.

Anonymous said...

^^Me. Shared computer. Slow mind. Sorry xx

Sarah said...

Your post left me smiling for ages. Olive is doing such cute things right now. x

The Franglaise said...

Sweet girl! I'm also fascinated by L.'s new speaking skills. They learn so quickly these little ones, I look forward to having fun conversations with him! :)
ps: L. had the same beanie last winter. It was one of the rare items I bought before he was born, not knowing if I was having a boy or girl. And clearly, it would have suited a little girl perfectly as well :)


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