
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear Olive,
I overheard the cutest conversations between you and Roxy yesterday. One particularly funny exchange saw you earnestly following an instructive demonstration on how to pick dried snot from your nose. It would appear you found her tips most helpful. I should probably ask Roxy for an instructive tutorial on photography, after finding these photos on my camera. Love her three year old perspective.


Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Ivy told me yesterday 'Mummy, I've decided I'm not going to eat my boogies anymore.' Growing up so fast...

one claire day said...

Yes, those dry ones can be tricky to retrieve! Nice to see she has family she can count on!

...and I would totally frame that middle picture and hang it on my wall! She's a clever one, that Roxy! xx claire

P.S - You cracked me up about your laundry and the same coloured pegs - have you seen that ad on telly for "ezyline"? it's so hilarious... Paddy and I are always joking about "the TYRANNY of pegs!!"


one claire day said...

Yes...those dry ones can be tricky to retrieve! Lucky Olive has Family she can rely on!

...and I would totally hang an enlarged version of that middle photo on my wall... she's very clever, that Roxy!

x claire

P.S - your comment back at mine about your pegs made me laugh. have you seen the ad on telly for ezyline? Hilarious! paddy and I are always joking about "the TYRANNY of pegs!"


one claire day said...

sorry about double...erm...triple post! Blogger is being a twit.

zigsma said...

That is art. I'd like to see a collaborative work involving dried snot.

Anonymous said...


Jodi said...

eeewwww, snot and boogies. pure childhood dilemmas!

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

It is a skill they all have to learn! ha ha, how sweet.
Love reading your blog. x

Tash said...

Love her perspective too, priceless!
Your blog puts a smile on my face each time I visit :)


That is so cute!! (Story and photos)!

fast times in münchen. said...

Cuuute! Roxy rocks behind the lens. xx

Madeleine said...

Love the name Roxy! So so cute and yes she has a great eye. I love a child's perspective, it's a whole different world down there xx

Seaweed and Raine said...

Love Roxy's photos! I have a 3 year old too - and often I find that he has left me some fascinating pictures :)
Glad you like the booties... I'm not sure that they would fit... wanna try? ;) lol


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