
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dear Olive,
The first day of winter. Dreary and windy and cold outside, I'm keeping cosy with a bowl of pumpkin soup. Perfect weather for showing off our new collection of vintage jackets our lovely friend Madeleine gave us on the weekend. Sized 3, I can't wait to get you in them. 
(Thanks Mads!! xx)


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

I want to be friends with your friends. Best dressed baby Olive pip out there!


Small Catalogue said...

Gorgeous coats! Love people who hold onto things.

one claire day said...

It's so warm here it's weird even thinking about coats. These are gorgeous, though - I can't decide which one I love more...

will she fit them this winter? Such a tease if not! x claire

Madeleine said...

OMG! Totes jello! Amazeballs! And lots of other things I shouldn't be saying since I will be turning 34 this year...
Olive is going to rock winter in those jackets xx

Kristi said...

gorgeous collection. makes me kind of love winter...especially that red one.

fast times in münchen. said...

Ok I'm so very jealous! I wish I hadn't seen these ahhh. You're killing me. Olive will look gorgeous in these vintage numbers. Elke has one just like the second jacket up there but i'm sad to say it's almost too tight. :( What a rad friend you have. bxx

fast times in münchen. said...

Ps I wish the last one came in my size x

Tash said...

Your little Olive is going to such a cutie in these jackets! Mmmm, pumpkin soup... gosh we're eating salads now and your having soups! I do miss a warm pumpkin soup though..
Have a lovely week!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I'm saying this, since I've been longing for summer for so long, but these are making me wish we had cold weather here in the American Midwest again!

Adriana said...

love that little coat

Flotsam Friends said...

Oh Olive, I'm adoring your jackets. Particularly love the last one. Pruxxx

Unknown said...

yep I'm thinking Shano's going to be wishing he was a size 3 to fit that last Lumberjack one...

Allana said...

What a lovely idea for a blog and you present it so perfectly!
Thise coats are to die for - lucky Olive :)

The Franglaise said...

you have friends with taste! i hope we'll see pics of petite Olive rocking these vintage coats.


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