
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Olive,
The contents of my jacket pocket, emptied at the park by some little hands. Pens, a peg, a business card, a half eaten cracker, a car, a couple of safety pins and my phone. Not quite as embarrassing as the time I pulled out my keys at the pub in front of a group of people, only to watch in horror as a long tangle of variously flavoured tea bags came out attached with it. But far more revealing of my chaotic life right now, split between work and being at home you. The juggle is intense. I'm kind of loving it.


1. Lizeylou said...

Looks like the perfect balance to me .... maybe one of those tea bags needs to go back in to wash the cracker down though!!

2. Nicole said...

hello kellie, thank you for your comment. i've had browse through your lovely blog and i find myself smiling at your posts!

these days i rummage through my bag with my eyes closed (i'm a little bit frightened to see what's in there)...and hope for the best.


3. one claire day said...

Interesting little essentials you have there...

When I was styling I used to come home with pins, bulldog clips and mangled blobs of double sided tape hanging off my outfit (at least yours are contained in your pocket). I'd often forget I was seriously embellished and walk around in public. Luckily, I lived in Enmore where you could walk down the street dressed as a pineapple and nobody would batan eyelash.
...now there's a comment. Sorry for the novel.

x claire
P.S - you've put me at ease with your experience of sleep and lalie's age. Thank you xx

4. Jodi said...

the ever-present half-eaten rice cracker. I know it well x

5. Small Catalogue said...

Loving all the blue in your pocket.

6. fast times in münchen. said...

Blue, red, gold and black. What a rad combo. love this! xx Ps I drowned my handbag and it's contents in a puddle of beer on the weekend. A responsible parent I am not.

7. k said...

thank you for coming to say hi! this was a really endearing post, haha :) i'm glad i came!

8. DearHelenHartman said...

It is a work of art. It instantly reminds of the days when mine were young (only our phones did NOT fit in our pockets then!) Love your blog and the concept behind it, just lovely.

9. cassie said...

my little one (14 months old) is constantly checking my pockets in the hopes of finding my iphone there.

thanks for your nice comment on my blog yesterday!

yours is lovely as well :)

-cassie @ http://fourfourten.blogspot.com

10. Flotsam Friends said...

Hi Kellie, what a brilliant idea for your blog! Love it! And can so relate although my boys are a little older I so remember these days! So cute all these things and you're right, sometimes chaos is kind of fun! Pruxxx P.S. Thanks for stepping into my world via my blog.

11. We Call This Life said...

Kellie--what a wonderful blog you have going, here! I love the letters to Olive. As I have a fear of forgetting and not documenting enough--this is a perfect gift for your daughter--so neat. I love all the stuff in your pockets.

I browsed through your posts--and wow, they are cheerful and uplifting. Thanks for sharing your letters to your little girl with us!!!


12. Madeleine said...

The urban legend of the half eaten rice cracker continues....xx


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