
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear Olive,
Exciting news. The entire production has gone away for a week, which means basically I get this week at home with you. HOORAY. I felt slightly guilty saying I couldn't go, but I wouldn't go without you and it all seemed a bit too tricky to take you along too. We've got a few fun things planned, but mostly I'm looking forward to having a snuggly week indoors. I'm in my slippers, about to get a pot of soup going. Flowers from the weekend markets make it even more enticing to hang inside - a bunch of really wintery red ones and a bunch of really smelly (in a good way) jonqils. And I know it doesn't make a huge amount of sense to include it here, but I just can't, won't ever, get enough of my new scarf. 


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

ph so excited for you! and yes, excellent scarf

xo em

k said...

i would kill for a snuggly week inside :)

Madeleine said...

Oh enjoy! Sounds blissful and quiet and cosy...can I come over for soup please? Sans kids?
And is that Budgie I spy back there? MUST.KEEP.SAVING. xx

one claire day said...

Yaaaay!! I'm so happy for you having a week off, how lovely! :)

...that scarf is amazing! Vintage? xx

kacey said...

what a scarf!

tea with lucy said...

lots of pretty at your place!


fast times in münchen. said...

A whole week off with Olive. Hurrah hurrah hurrah! Beautiful flowers, sweet scarf and that's some pretty amazing art you've got hanging from your walls.

Enjoy your time together. xx

Jodi said...

i'm with you on the snuggly week at home. the scarf - divine! x

Sal {Daniel and I} said...

Beautiful flowers always make staying inside more enticing! A week working at home is always a welcome move in my book :-)

Love the colours in your new scarf! Although, I thought you'd be all wrapped up in wool down there?

Sal x



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