
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dear Olive,
Things feel a bit on top of me today. I got angry at you at 3am last night and it's left me feeling like a mean and shitty Mum. You certainly didn't deserve it but after the past couple of weeks of your Best Ever Sleeping Phase (of only waking up once a night - once!), the past four nights have thrown me off completely. Thrown me back to the tireds. I think today might even be the one year anniversary of this little blog of ours. I had grand plans of unveiling a snazzy new header, maybe staging a giveaway. But, alas, these celebrations I have not organised. Can we just pretend our anniversary is next week? In the meantime, here's our ever expanding spoon collection. It includes one from your Dads old band (rock n roll, right) and one he received as a birthday gift from his great friend who we just lost to Melbourne (come back Trace).


Lila said...

Don't forget you're human, and sleep deprivation is a killer. I'm sure Olive doesn't hold it against you. I know it's even harder now that you're back at work, I'm not looking forward to that.
You're a good mum, you just need some rest.

one claire day said...

Happy 1st Birthday Dear Olive! But lets celebrate properly next week...

re the sleeping thing - I hope I didn't jinx you in my email! It must be even harder to deal with after having a good stint!

That Side Winder teaspoon is bad ass!


Melanie Waugh said...

Happy One Year Anniversary!!!

Unknown said...

Was your husband in Sidewinder? Ace!! And they had their own spoon?
Rach x

Francesca said...

oh yes. i've been cross in the night. doesn't make you a bad mum. just a mum! hard when they go from sleeping well and you think you've cracked it, to a few bad nights. could be anything, teething, growth spurt, whatever. so tell us more about sidewinder. i'm envisaging hard rock and big hair, but i'm guessing you're not that old! x


Happy first birthday to a very special blog! Super cute spoons. I have a collection too. They just don't make them like the used to! Briar x

zigsma said...

Happy Anniversary Blog! A Sidewinder teaspoon - very cool.

captain kk said...

happy anniversary! love your blog. be kind to yourself. lack of sleep, crappy sleep, interrupted sleep is the pits. get up tomorrow, make yourself a cuppa and say to yourself "i fucking rock!" . you're a great mama & anyone who can get on with things when they're sleep deprived rocks!

We Call This Life said...

Happy 1st Anniversary to a wonderful blog! Yes, please go easy on yourself--Olive forgets easier than you do... (i have had those moments, too--regrettable moments-many, actually) we are only human--sometimes super human-yes--but mostly human. You are not alone. wicked cool spoons, too!!!!


fast times in münchen. said...

Happy 1 Dear Olive. I'm so,so glad I found your wonderful blog! Were dealing with same thing re night waking. Ever since I returned from London. Prior to that we were on a good wicket too. Please don't give yourself too much schtick. You're working full-time AND you're a (wonderful) mama. Nuff said. xx

Madeleine said...

Happy first birthday Dear Olive. Yours is the loveliest of blogs. Truly! Truly!
Don't worry we can celebrate again when you're ready. Cake and a cuppa you say? I'll take mine with one sugar and I'll use the Sidewinder spoon thanks xxx


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