
Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear Olive,
Sad, but true. Yesterday was your second last play with Roxy. At least for a while, because next week they're packing up their life in Sydney and moving it on up to Coffs Harbour. Your Papa lives up there so there'll be plenty of visits. But it won't be the same as having them down here. It's really sad. I'm sad for me, but mostly I'm sad for you. You cried when I told you. You adore Roxy with ferocity - she's older, she has a scooter, she can pull crazy faces, she's totally cool. You're going to miss her. We both are.


1. Francesca said...

so sad when friends move on. maybe they can send sweet things in the post, that's what i'm planning with our friends. now...i thought i'd been to coffs harbour but i don't remember anything about it. maybe i'm mixing it up with port macquarie. i wish my memory wasn't fading...x

2. fast times in münchen. said...

Noooooooo. Not Roxy. That's way too sad. Is it jus a temporary move? The cousin relationship is the BEST isn't it? At least it's a nice place to visit. Right?
Geez, Olive is amazing. She is wise beyond her years. x

3. Lila said...

How sad to not have her little friend around. An opportunity for packages in the mail and Skype sessions between holiday visits perhaps?

4. fifi said...

oh lottie loves django (ooh, that sounds like a good fashion label!) and he's a 4 and a half year old. she can't get enough of him. she doesn't even know she won't see him for plays and jumps on the tramp as of december. oh no! i dont' know if I'm not ready to not see django!!!

5. Sarah said...

Oh, makes me so teary...But, they have forged such a strong relationship already that nothing will get in the way. I hope Poppy looks up to Olive just like Olive does to Roxy.
PS cool face roxy! Xx

6. Anika said...

Aww that just made me so sad, Kel. We're going to miss you both so much. Xoxoxox

7. Katrina@capturingmoments said...

oh how sad :( what a cool slide for friends! I hope Olive and Roxy are okay saying goodbye.
xx check out my giveaway this week!

8. Unknown said...

more travel ops I say!!


Oh, sorry to hear that news Olive! My best friend in the world is my cousin too - and countries have separated us at times over the years, but our hearts have always stayed close. It will be the same for you and Roxy, I promise.

10. one claire day said...

How on earth did I miss this post?! She cried? Poor darling girl! How heart breaking for them. It's tough being away from family - we did it for years... but now that we've got kids, it would be that much harder.

At least they picked a holiday-worthy destination... the silver lining, I guess. x


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