
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dear Olive,
Have scooter, will ride. 
Have dress, will party.
Have nose, will snot.


Unknown said...

Bahaha! A gorgeous photo nonetheless!
Rach x

Unknown said...

That is the cutest scootering outfit EVER!
Happy belated birthday cutie x

one claire day said...

I came here earlier to have a look but that red dress made me hyperventilate and I had to go and lay down for a minute. SO AMAAAAAZING! I love it... and the romper too. I'm loving girly Olive :)

Happy birthday (again) snottyface!

Lila said...

That romper and the spotty helmet, too cool! Hope Olive had a wonderful birthday.

fast times in münchen. said...

Oh Olive, you look gorgeous in your party frock! And look at you scoot girl! Green would've been my 2nd choice after purple as well. I wish we could take a pic of the girls in their matching helmets. Or maybe not..xx

Ps Oli had a pair of those shoes when he was the same age. I didn't know they still sold them. Hurrah!

Pps Claire kills me.

Jgee said...

To die for, each and every photo, even the last snotty one.

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Oh my!! The spotty helmet is a winner!!! and that little romper is perfection.

kacey said...

ADORABLE red dress.

Jodi said...

perfect - even the snot. as for the red dress - sheesh! and the helmet - where do I get it (che che is getting a bike for christmas) x

Ps. happy birth-day muma x

Nell said...

This kid is so awesome. The helmet, the outfits, the snot. All of it. She's a keeper xx

Small Catalogue said...

Dig the nutcase stack hat! Dig it.

mama bear said...

Go Olive go! We got the nutcase helmet too, in tie-dye. Had just one too many head injuries so had to invest in head protection. Love the snot. I sweat these two gotta meet one day! Blueberry loving scootering snotties. x

fifi said...

outrago cuteness!!!!!

Lizeylou said...

This post is a cracker!!!


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