
Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Olive,

I’ve been thinking about giving you more treats lately, for the sake of keeping things interesting for you, and as a replacement for sultanas and dates, which you are a total nut for. But I’m not keen to go down the refined sugar path, which we’ve managed to more or less avoid to this point. So I’m going to trial a few sugar free recipes with coconut oil and coconut flour. (To say I'm not known for my baking skills is probably a bit of an understatement.) On the menu for yesterday’s afternoon tea: strawberry & honey coconut muffins. Dairy, gluten and sugar free. Sound pretty terrible don’t they? Well our first victims came around and tasted them and they were actually quite delicious. Vewy vewy vewy yummy according to you, as you gobbled up two. Even Shane gave them the thumbs up and he usually turns his nose up at anything even vaguely along those healthy lines.
Recipe here. (I used melted coconut oil in place of the butter, honey for the liquid sweetener, and strawberries in place of blueberries purely for the fact that was all I had on hand.)


1. Unknown said...

Aw yum! I might have to try this for my kids!

2. Kristi said...

yay and thank you for the details. i am obsessed with coconut oil. x.

3. Rin said...

They look good! I'm always so shocked at the amount of sugar and butter in cupcake recipes. Must try.

4. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

Oh my goodness, you put me to shame.

Lucky Olive!

xo em

5. Isa said...

THANK YOU for that recipe, I have a whole bunch of unused coconut oil sitting in my cabinet.

6. ashley said...

you are my mum idol. looks delicious.
pop over to mine for a giveaway if so inclined.
x ashley

7. fast times in münchen. said...

These are going straight in the recipe book! Please keep sharing Kellie, I need more inspiration in the kitchen. For the sake of my kids! xx

8. Madeleine said...

Sounds so yum! I will definitely be adding these to my repertoire.
Also try these http://crossfitelpaso.com/2010/04/02/fudge-babies/
The kids love them and they are so simple and a pretty healthy treat.
Hope you've had a good weekend lady!
I miss you! Ok. I know that's weird because I've never met you. But it's the truth!

9. JK said...

The photos alone are making me salivate.

10. JK said...

The photos alone are making me salivate.

11. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

It would be a treat for me to see a new post from you?!
xo em

12. Inês Seabra said...

I'm gonna trust Olive's wise judgement and food critics experience and believe they are yummy! Well, they look so!

13. Anonymous said...

You really do take the most fantastic photos! lovely post , thansk for sharing x

14. Sell WoW Account said...

that looks so delicious!

15. Blogger said...

3 Studies REVEAL Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

This means that you literally kill fat by eating coconut fats (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

These 3 studies from large medicinal journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!


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