Cat vs Kid

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dear Olive,
The perfect rainy afternoon in Peppers world - endless, undisturbed sleeping in the bed. The perfect rainy afternoon in your world - tea party in the bed with Pepper. Unfortunately for Pepper, the tea party proved too rowdy and she was forced to seek sleep elsewhere. Cat, zero. Kid, one.


Miriam said...

You wont believe it but we just got a puppy and have named her Pepper. She is a tiny black fluffball. I bet little Olive would love her.

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

ahahah WAY too sweet!

Kids should always win in this war! Sorry Pepper, you're cute, but not as cute as Olive!

xo em

one claire day said...

So cute! I love that we have dogs that Lalie can play with/annoy... bonding with animals is so special.

P.S - that lens is magic! loooove these pictures :)

Lila said...

As always so adorable. I can't wait til Eve can play with our dog!

Greer said...

The expression on Pepper's face in the last photo is too good!

InĂªs Seabra said...

These pictures are so gorgeous! I love the colors (that cushion is lovely!), her happy face, and furry Pepper, so sweet!

Nicole said...

Believe it or not, but we have that very same teaset! Skye usually slots sultanas into the teapot and pours me and various teddys sultana tea. x

tea with lucy said...

oh man. cute attack. i love these pictures.

Lizeylou said...

Poor Pepper ... but Olive is just so cute! Oh, and I love your cushion!

trishie said...

What beautiful photos and such a sweet post

Kristi said...

she is looking so much older lately, your little lady.

ashley said...

my little one harasses our pup like nothing i have ever seen. loves him too much at times and he sits on his mat making the same face as your pepper. awesomeness! x ashley

Anonymous said...

You have an adorable daughter and equally cute cat!

Notes from Holly St. said...

so sweet!


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