
Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Olive,
The caring and helpful comments on my last letter were a lovely reminder of how amazing this space has been for support and making friends. It's really been the most incredible way for me to connect with other women and the friendships I've made here are ones I now treasure. So the couple of gifts that arrived in the post last week? An unexpected but beautiful icing on the cake. The amazing O, a birthday gift for you from everybody's favourite crafter (if she's not your favourite, make her yours, now!) Madeleine. And all the way from these extremely stylish folk in Germany, the cutest ever printed cord dress. It's cord! It's printed! And it's in your favourite colour! The plate and the pom pom were my lucky dip kris kringle gift from a very fun ladies christmas dinner on Saturday night, and although unrelated to the blog, I felt they were too good to be left out of this little ensemble. The whole set up didn't stand a chance, you became desperate to wear the currently oversize dress. As you pointed out, it is in your favourite colour. And there is no denying you these days.


zigsma said...

As from today, that is my favourite colour also. And I would wear it, undersized or no. I love that dish. I lurve that dish.

ejorpin said...

I can see why Olive was determined to wear that dress (I may have mentioned before, the kid's got style!). Oh and that patchwork is so gorgeous - the colours are just wonderfully bright and balanced.

(ps. pom pom! I am slightly obsessed with pom poms this festive season, I am about to head out to buy some wool and play!)

flannery o'kafka said...

What a lucky Olive...that O is lovely!

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Gorgeous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress. Blue is my favourite colour ;-)
Kellie, I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a guest post for my blog? I am after stories of motherhood. Your journey. Your joys & struggles. I am putting a series together this week and next. Please email me if you would be interested. Thank you.
katrinayule@hotmail.com xx

one claire day said...

Olive... you lucky little lady! Seriously great gifts!

fast times in münchen. said...

You should've put Olive's gorgeous video message on here. I will keep that puppy forever. Her cuteness kills me! Love the colours in that O. Don't you just love the letter O?! Hope you guys are ok. xx

♡Shayla♡ said...

your olive is adorable. <3 I just love the concept of your blog. So special. I am expecting in June, and what an inspiration this blog is to me! I hope to do something equally as special for my little one.

<3 <3

Alex Sunday said...

love. that. dress.

Anonymous said...

What great gifts--happy day!

Madeleine said...

Hooray! Glad it arrived safely...also love that cute cute dress.
I wanna see that video message too!!

Kristi said...

that "O" is awesome.

Mia said...

That is such a gorgeous little dress - suits her too!

The Franglaise said...

such great gifts from great bloggie buddies!

Jeane M. said...

Hmm, sounds like a lot of love and fun in here. Great to see your season's doing great. The dip looked pretty. :D

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