Dear Olive,
I'm feeling emotionally distant from this place at the moment. I'm not sure why. There's a lot going on in our real life, it's a bit overwhelming. Or perhaps I'm just feeling mediocre, and well and truly out of ideas. Whichever the case, here's a bit of what we're up to ...
1. Toilet training. Not sure how it's going really, it's kind of been a half arsed effort on my behalf so far. We've had lots of wet clothes but also lots of wee's in the toilet. You will ONLY poo in a nappy. Your bum in pants without a nappy on is the cutest thing EVER.
2. Painting and other indoor activities. It's raining and it's cold. And we're hanging out at home (see number 1).
3. Someone just walked past whistling You're So Vain. They were an accomplished whistler.
4. Shane finishes his job soon and we're planning to spend christmas AND new years up north with my family. New years has the potential to be an absolute cracker. If we're still up at midnight, that is.
5. Play dates and socialising continue to be extremely challenging (for both of us). We have a lot of time outs.
6. I'm filling out enrolment waitlist forms at a few preschools. (gulp!)
7. I'm two weeks into a liver detox. No alcohol, no grain, no dairy, no caffeine, no red meat, and no many other good things. I am having lots of powders and herbs and potions (that turn my stomach just to think of them). Unsurprisingly, it's made me crazy moody. And I'm pretty moody to begin with.
8. I bought the Diane Keaton memoirs for a friends birthday and sneakily read it before I gave it to her. Great, great read.

I'm feeling emotionally distant from this place at the moment. I'm not sure why. There's a lot going on in our real life, it's a bit overwhelming. Or perhaps I'm just feeling mediocre, and well and truly out of ideas. Whichever the case, here's a bit of what we're up to ...
1. Toilet training. Not sure how it's going really, it's kind of been a half arsed effort on my behalf so far. We've had lots of wet clothes but also lots of wee's in the toilet. You will ONLY poo in a nappy. Your bum in pants without a nappy on is the cutest thing EVER.
2. Painting and other indoor activities. It's raining and it's cold. And we're hanging out at home (see number 1).
3. Someone just walked past whistling You're So Vain. They were an accomplished whistler.
4. Shane finishes his job soon and we're planning to spend christmas AND new years up north with my family. New years has the potential to be an absolute cracker. If we're still up at midnight, that is.
5. Play dates and socialising continue to be extremely challenging (for both of us). We have a lot of time outs.
6. I'm filling out enrolment waitlist forms at a few preschools. (gulp!)
7. I'm two weeks into a liver detox. No alcohol, no grain, no dairy, no caffeine, no red meat, and no many other good things. I am having lots of powders and herbs and potions (that turn my stomach just to think of them). Unsurprisingly, it's made me crazy moody. And I'm pretty moody to begin with.
8. I bought the Diane Keaton memoirs for a friends birthday and sneakily read it before I gave it to her. Great, great read.
haha, that last photo is wonderful. she looks like a little menace. sorry to hear you're feeling the way you are. i blame the lack of caffeine and alcohol in your diet. :)
my pop is an accomplished whistler. always had a perky little tune going on. it's a dying art.
Know that there is always the opposite x
Kellie, you are such a good mum. Look at Olive- paint all over her! I always allow myself to feel proud when we get filthy, rather than annoyed (okay, so maybe I get annoyed too).
Toilet training takes forever. If you can, just relax into it, get your knee pads out (you'll be wiping the floor a lot) and enjoy the smell of urine. ehum.
Look how much fun she's having getting filthy. I love it! Clever little print she's coming up with too. That sponge brush looked dangerously close to your tea. I hope you managed to finish it unscathed.
Lets hope this weather starts warming soon!
That last picture is total awesomeness! And I love how impressed you were by a stranger's whistling skills. xx
We are toilet training in our house at the moment .. lets face it - it sucks!
That last photo is gold and I so wish I could whistle ... just can't do it no matter how hard I try!
I can attest to Olive's little bot-in-pants-without-nappies as being utterly squinchible! Almost as cute as that gleefully cheeky smile lathered in paint.
Kel, you may not feel great, but you certainly look it. And a few weeks on the farm together as a family will sort out all the toilet training and playdate woes, I'm sure.
Much love,
Sare xo
I've seen a photo of you sans nappy Olive and I can vouch for the fact that it is indeed the cutest thing ever. Toilet training is tricky and something we plan to embark on during our Byron holiday...with very low expectations. Good luck Kellie and I really hope everything gets better soon. xx
I think I am the worst whistler ever. And singer. But hot diggity dog that is a really good karaoke song. I had a dream they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee. Btw Did you know that song was written about Warren Beatty?
I love this, because it's giving me a glimpse into what the future holds for us. Sometimes I feel like I'm so wrapped up in the moment that I can't even conceive of a time when life won't be about diapers--potty training! Good for you guys. Hope you decide to still come around and keep us updated on you guys.
Enjoyed reading. I know those non-blog periods, non-everything periods. Your photos are great. Super dooper.
Ergh, thanks for the reminder - toilet training x2 in my near future. I guess it's either this 'summer' or going for it in the depths of a wet cold winter! Oh, and just quietly, preschool = heaven.
Blogging has its ebbs and flows, sometimes you'll want to write here sometimes you won't... remember there's no pressure to do either.
I love the pics of Olive, looks like the kids having a ball!
Good luck with the detox... eeep. xxx
These pictures are gorgeous, she looks so cheeky!
I have just started a blog, I love the sense of community and support there seems to be for blogging mummas
Good luck with the detox ... you're stronger than me, I'd stop after a few hours!
Love a good whistler! Inspiration will come back. Swings and roundabouts. x
More or less the same feeling here lady. I have too much work, too many personal things to sort out and not much desire to blog at the moment. C'est la vie! We need a break from time to time. Good luck with that detox and potty training. Little Olive is so sweet covered in paint! Bisous lady xx
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