
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Olive,
I went through a huge - HUGE - pom pom making phase when I was about 7.  Right in the middle of my pom pom frenzy, my brother landed himself in hospital from a dog attack, and I attempted my most ambitious pom pom yet. With a template cut from an oversize dinner plate, and requiring my neighbours help, it was destined to cheer him up. Because, hey, what he may have lost in an eyebrow, he was going to gain in a giant, multicoloured pom pom. But even though I spent hours winding and winding the wool around and around and around, it was found many years later, discarded and crumpled in the bottom of a toy box, with only one eighth of it completed. A pom pom of that size would have been a huge floppy disappointment no doubt, anyway. That hard lesson learnt all those many years ago has has not been forgotten: I'm going to keep these ones small. Pom poms, it seems, are back. And who wouldn't love them? They're cute, they're colourful, they're easy to make, and a fun word to say. Pom pom. Pom pom. The plan is that they'll adorn all my christmas gifts this year. Blatantly ripping off the wrapping on a gift I received recently from a friend (Hi Rach! Sorry Rach!), I'm thinking maybe keep it simple with plain brown paper? Or perhaps I should let you loose with some kind of home made christmas tree carved potato stamper and some ink. Either way it'll be hours of pom pom fun for all the kids and cats come christmas day.


Francesca said...

these are gorgeous kellie! i remember making many many pompoms too and how satisfying it was when you finally cut the wool. brown paper is so good, i just started wrapping and i'm doing brown paper tied with coloured raffia. but i will also have a bit of fun paper for the kids. they don't care about a classy christmas! x

The Franglaise said...

I like simple. Gorgeous wrapping idea Kellie! xx

flannery o'kafka said...

YES! Just what I needed to jazz things up a bit...
apologies to your friend for also stealing her wrapping ideas.

fast times in münchen. said...

Awesome idea! I mean, who doesn't love a pom pom? x

thejadeleaf said...

Love it!

one claire day said...

That is a hilarious pom pom story... sounds like you never quite let go of the dream... so you're tying up 'lose ends'? hehe... gorgeous wrapping, you almost needn't bother with a gift!


Madeleine said...

Love the wrapping Kellie! Looks Pom-alicious. That's actually a word in our household. Pom poms are just SO good.
I love the story too. So funny! xx
ps. I've put your 'consolation' prize in the mail. They're Pom adorned!

Nell said...

Of course, I love a pompom! And on gifts? Pure genius xx

Greer said...

I totally understand. My friend and I had a pom pom business when we were about 9 - we'd make them to order for our school friends. I believe there were four size options and up to a dozen colours to choose from...

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

but did he really loose an eyebrow?

mama bear said...

Love them! I made a pom pom last year that was HUGE. It's took me months and in the end Jill had to give him a solid haircut. I think he now serves as the head for a headless doll in her house.


Kate said...

I love the Pom Pom idea! I'm doing brown kraft paper too!!

Unknown said...

We are lovers of the pom pom here too, and who wouldn't love to receive a gift wrapped like that. You are a very clever mummy and you have some great stories!

Suite Henry said...

I love these!
So creative and simple.
And kraft paper is always so good.

mary said...

haha i'm going through a huge pom pom phase right now! at 24! : ) such a pretty package.


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