
Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Olive,
We had a great weekend. Although, thinking back on it, I can't really remember what we did! There was a lot of food. And there was a lot of tennis. Usually together. I cooked a really yummy chicken and sweet potato curry* with cucumber relish for a friend** who came over to watch the tennis on Friday night (recipe here). Saturday, a friend dropped off two fish he'd just caught. Caught! We made two more delicious meals out of them and gobbled them down. Although, that was Shane and I. You ate a lot of eggs, served every which way, and you listened to your Holly Throsby record. A lot. (To say you're obsessed is an understatement.) Also, where's your mullet gone? It's morphed into a rats tail. I think you've been twisting it up and pulling it out, which is a bit of a worry.

*I've made it before and this time I tweaked it with more curry, less liquid. It's really fragrant and totally yum.
**This talented lady. I visited her studio on Sunday - it's all very exciting, she's having an exhibition soon. Info to come!


Anna @ green tea n toast said...

Ooh that Holly Throsby CD looks great. Kids CDs get so boring don't they?!
I love the way you write this blog, Olive will have a magical time reading it all one day.

Jodi said...

Oohhh, think I'll have to get that cd. A fun, food-filled weekend - couldn't think of anything better x

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Sounds like a fab weekend.....food, music and family :) xxx

Anonymous said...

oh! must.get.CD! Annika likes my seeker lover keeper cd so I think she may get into this too - we need some new music

Hurray for excellent weekends

Unknown said...

I'm loving the sound of Holly Throsby. Thanks for the tip. You mustn't have wanted that weekend to end, sounded perfect! xo

All things Scrumptious said...

I hung out with my friends daughter on the weekend, miss 15 month old who screamed if I didn't repeat (28 times) Gotye 'somebody that I used to know'....

Love the mullet/rats tail! Seems to totally suit Olives personality xxx

Tash said...

More curry less liquid sounds so good. And I love Olive's curls : )

Sarah Humphreys said...

The Holly cd is fantastic!

Lizeylou said...

Yummy food, great music and a super cool rats tail - what's not to love!

Anonymous said...

An absolutely awesome weekend. My girl is growing a mullet..although around here we call it the Wisconsin Waterfall... :)

fast times in münchen. said...

Please please please can I have the curry recipe? That fish looks amazing and oh so fresh. If you can't have a mullet then a rat's tail is the next best thing! Who needs a hairdresser, right? I'm going to check out that CD as well. Kimya Dawson's Alphabutt is also unreal. xx

The Franglaise said...

That fish looks amazing! Sounds like you had a fun and relaxing weekend. x

Anonymous said...

I never remember what I did on the weekend, glad I am not the only one!

Mullets/rat tails + baby = cute


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