This, That

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dear Olive,
I think we are finally into the swing of a new year. Shane's back at work full time, I'm back doing days here and there, and our weeks have begun to take on the shape of something resembling a predictable rhythm, beneath the unpredictability of it all. One thing I didn't see coming, was lion taking over as top dog cat around here. I think Juany has finally been removed from his perch! Or perhaps it's just a passing phase. According to you lion does not like heights. Lion cries and cries and cries at the garbage truck, lion does not like loud noises. Lion does not like falling over. Lion is scared of dogs. If you ask meLion sounds a dreadful bore.


Melanie Waugh said...

Olive looks so much like you in this bottom pic!

Anonymous said...

So cute, Eve does not like her lion, possibly because he looks wild and Rastafarian. Hope Olive's lovely imagination keeps growing.

Madeleine said...

Look how CUTE Olive is getting! If it's even possible for her to get cuter than she already is...
And kellie I'm with you, lion is seriously going to cramp her/your style if youre not careful xxx


How cute is that smile!! She is amazing!x

Astred*designcherry said...

Hot stuff - look at those blue toes! Love 'em.
Poor old Lion, it's not easy being a wowser ;)

Greer said...

Lion sounds like my Stella. Oh, dear. Very cute pics. x

Jodi said...

Lion will obviously be making it into this weeks 'what we wore.' Perhaps he'll really show his colours through fashion. Even the greatest of bores can dress well x

jody said...

Love the blue toes! beautiful girl! x

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh she has a smile that makes your heart melt...adorable!

Jennifer said...

Olive has such a sweet smile!! and I love her blue toes!

hello milky said...

Poor old Lion... he is lucky he has someone so aware of his needs looking after him, not to mention cute!

fast times in münchen. said...

Yup Lion sounds like total snore. Bring back Juannie I say! xx

one claire day said...

Lalies favourite is her lion at the moment too! I think it's because she likes the Over-animated roar I do whenever she picks it up! Cx

Ps. I just put your beautiful faces up on my blog x

Anonymous said...

I totally adore her. her smile... so cute.
love the swings pic
rocio from


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