What's Up With Stuff?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear Olive,
1. Pockets. You LOVE 'em.
2. Flowers anyone?
3. Morning tea at earth store (Jen! The earth store!), blueberries for you, chai for me. 
4. Am I crazy or can I actually see faces and legs in the scribbles? You drew this while I was cooking dinner and I could hear you saying what was in it. It's my friend Amy, and her daughter Lily and the twins. (The twins are little and askew on the left of the page.)
5. and 6. Pepper sleeping around. A comfy chair, or a hessian sack, she's really not fussy.
7. A stunning water colour portrait wedding invite. It's going to be an amazing wedding. I'm thinking of wearing a tuxedo.
8. Puppet.


Anonymous said...

I can see legs too! What a pretty picture though :)

Greer said...

Definitely arms and legs. Artistic genius! (That cat continues to crack me up...) xxx

Anonymous said...

Pockets are awesome, I'm pretty sure I see face there too.

hello milky said...

faces and legs for sure x

Unknown said...

Your cat is so ace!!
And that puppet - how cool is that!

Rach x

Jodi said...

of course you're going to wear a tux. I just request a 'what we wore' wedding post please.
photos are fabulous, sketches are even better - I see arms, legs and twins (we have those crayons & love them!) x

Jodi said...

ps. is that wes carr's wedding invitation? If so, a friend of ours is photographing x

Unknown said...

Your one of my new fave blogs to read!

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Pockets...so funny. We're into pockets too, usually stuffed with coins and sand! Great photos and scribbles xxx

Unknown said...

I LOVE that cat... nothing like like my old psycho-puss Ruby, who used to have the midnight madness... running up and down the timber floored hallway, sliding and mewling like a banshee... Sadly she's gone now, but I'll never forget her craziness!

Alex Sunday said...

definitely faces. coco wants to know if she can have olive's hand-me-downs - so stylish and rad!

Tash said...

I love that photo of Pepper hanging off the chair! I'm seeing faces and legs too :) x

Sandrine Marie said...

Just discovered your blog, love it, congratulations!!

Lizeylou said...

Love the outfit and the drawings!
Oh and wear a Tux - you could totally rock that look!!

fast times in münchen. said...

Love Olive's outfit in that first photo! Nup, not crazy. I can see faces and limbs. And yes to tux. You would look awesome Kel. xx

Astred*designcherry said...

Oh Olive is so clever. Those drawings are awesome, definitely recognisable elements there. Nice crayons too.

one claire day said...

Totally faces and arms and ...stuff.
Pepper is hilarious on that chair, I often find paddy on the couch in a similar position after a few beers.

Love these photos - how beautiful is that invite? Do wear a tux and do a what we wore post as jodi so kindly requested! Xx

Nell said...

I love this post. And Olive's outfit. I am digging the clashing patterns xx

Inês Seabra said...

pepper is hilarious! :) and wow, that watercolor invitation!

Evie said...

beautiful post. love olive's drawing and that she loves pockets :)
your cat is ace as is that wedding invite and thoughts of wearing a tuxedo. little puppet has me captivated, even sitting still like that there is a life exuding from it x

akenney said...

oh my, your kitty! The little paws and fur color and laying all crazy. What a doll!


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