Pardon Me

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear Olive,
We've arrived at that place parents dread to arrive at. The place where loud, embarrassing and wildly inappropriate questions are posed in public, loudly. I think that lady has a baby in her tummy you said sweetly and loudly, referring to the woman in the line ahead of us at the supermarket, who was clearly only fat. And look at that funny guy! you yelled and laughed and pointed. To a dwarf. (Clearly you've inherited your fathers sense of humour.)
Photos from Mel's exhibition last night, where you proved yourself to be your fathers daughter in another way - that of being something of a wild party animal, eating pizza and mixing it with the art opening types til 10 o'clock. The exhibition is superb, by the way.


1. Alex Sunday said...

haha!! so inappropriate!! but i love it (though i possibly won't feel the same when it's coco saying such things). :)

2. Nell said...

Is it bad that I full on laughed out loud to Olive's comment about the drawf?! X

3. Victoria said...

Lol, they always say the funniest things, my daughter once pointed at a man & told the whole bank that he stunk, then placed her fingers over her nose, It was great.

4. Anna @ green tea n toast said...

Kids are the best! My son is exactly the same. The other day he was open-mouthed staring at a female Monk walking past us then he couldn't get his words out fast enough... 'Mummy, Mummy what's that man got? What's that man's red coat? What's the maaaan?!' Um - that's actually a lady with a shaved head!

5. Anna @ green tea n toast said...

Kids are the best! My son is exactly the same. The other day he was open-mouthed staring at a female Monk walking past us then he couldn't get his words out fast enough... 'Mummy, Mummy what's that man got? What's that man's red coat? What's the maaaan?!' Um - that's actually a lady with a shaved head!

6. little sleep said...

Tee hee, that's made me chuckle on a miserable day! The joys of things I've got to come : )

7. Tales of a Tai Tai said...

So innocent and so damn funny! I can't wait till Fletch gets to that age! xx

8. one claire day said...

Oh Kellie that's hilarious! Inappropriate yes, but so sweetly innocent.
I remember my sister coming out with some pearlers. Once going up to a woman in a wheelchair and saying "Why don't you walk like a big girl?". Shocking. She must have thought the wheelchair was like a pram.

And then at heathrow airport in the customs queue where there were a significant amount of women wearing berka's - "Mummy, who are all these blanket people??!". Terrible. But cute.

9. mama bear said...

That's hilarious Kellie! And I'm sure only the beginning.

The other day Rosie said a similar thing to a larger lady on the bus (but her vocab is a little smaller so it was just - this one mumma, big one!!) and then an emo-type teenage boy sat down next and she said - this one lady! (that actually did make me laught...)

glad to hear the exhibition went well xx

10. Anonymous said...

My personal fave is the loud and descriptive narration of what's going on when Annika accompanies me into the public toilet cubicle....

ahhh you gotta laugh. cringe. whatever. :)


11. Madeleine said...

Sooo funny Kellie! And so many more to come!
Just reading Claire's comment and I'm also mortified to say that when Coco used to see a woman in a berka she'd say 'Look a ghost! A black ghost!'
Dang x

12. Col | Hello Olive Designs said...

Olive's comments are hilarious! x

13. All things Scrumptious said...

I would normally apologise for laughing at something like this, but seriously, it's hilarious. I cringe for you and laugh with you. Gotta love the complete innocence and truthfulness of kids!

14. akenney said...

Oh, oh my, so sweet. Love.
And thanks for your kind words!

15. Jgee said...

Oh too funny. I literally just got back from the park where we had our first similar experience. There was a particularly large lady there watching her son play and Lenny ran up to her and literally scooped her belly up and nuzzled in and said 'blanket'. I was mortified!

16. fast times in münchen. said...

Too bloody funny Kellie! I'm cracking up hearing everyone's stories....espesh Lenny and the blanket. Cringe. And you've just highlighted one of the positives about living in a foreign speaking country. However, Elke still openly stares at darker skinned people and luckily the last guy she did it to have a cracking sense of humour!

Hope Melanie had a great night. xx

17. Kair said...

oh man this made me laugh out loud ... the dwarf part! Good to know I have the same sense of humour as a 2 year old!

18. Rosa @ Flutter Flutter said...

Oh, I have SO been there!!! My youngest still gets some women confused for men... and I can't even repeat some of the embarrassing things he's said. I'm turning red just thinking about it!


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