Much Ado About Nothing Much

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dear Olive,
There's really not a lot of (anything exciting) to update you with at the moment. Life is going along pretty great. Working, not working, going out, staying in. This pot of fresh spearmint tea at a friends place is about the only photo I've taken all week, and it made for a delicious brew. But in other news...
- I'm cooking stock and this lentil soup today - one pot for a friend who spent last night at the hospital with her son (we were there when he started struggling for breath - scary!), another for our dear family friend who needs some looking after, and one for us. I'm really grateful that I've got the time to be able to give someone the gift of a healthy, home cooked meal*. 
- You're weaned. It finally happened when I went away a few weeks ago for work, and it was a pretty painless transition for us both. It occurred to me after I fed you on the day I left that I should have paid more attention because it would probably turn out to be the last feed - and it was. I can't believe my baby is just out there in the world on her own now! All the fuss over that Time magazine article about breastfeeding toddlers made me miss it a bit, but it feels good at the same time. So that's that with that. (Until another one comes along, I suppose...)
- After sleeping like an absolute champion for about six months, getting you to sleep at night is becoming more and more challenging. Between crying over monsters coming in and being as bright eyed and wide awake as first thing in the morning (but I'm not tired, I haven't done a yawn!), you're basically up until we hit the hay. Sometimes when we go to bed (um, around 10, yes, total nanna's) and switch off the lights, we hear don't turn out the light! I suppose the only thing for it is to drop the day sleep. Damn.
*As opposed to the hospital .... My friend told me that the hospital served up her son chocolate milk and white bread. For breakfast! Seriously?


Alex Sunday said...

a home cooked meal is the most wonderful gift for someone unwell. not just the hearty goodness, but sparing them from having to prepare something is awesome!

(i don't even know where to start with the chocolate milk and white bread....)

Louise said...

Oh, hope that's not little George who's in Hospital? Horrible whoever it is. Elke had the option of chocolate OR strawberry milk, sweetened custards and milks, tinned baked beans / spaghetti (not salt reduced) as well as other okay cooked meals. I took a photo of a packaged creme caramel which was full of preservatives and 3 artificial colours! Crazy for a children's hospital...

Louise said...

p.s Elke is a nightmare to get to sleep atm too, was also great for ages.

Francesca said...

gus goes to sleep ok, but is up at the crack of dawn. people keep telling me it's because he still naps in the day and i know it (well it's also that it's light at 4am at the mo). but i can't drop it yet! he's so full on. i would MUCH rather be up at 5 and have that break in the middle, than up at 7 and NO BREAK. ahhhhh! i'd be a crazy wreck at the end of the day. but at least he's asleep by 7.30. different for you i guess. i'm babbling now. in september he'll be at nursery every morning for 3 hours. i'll drop it then...

Andrea @ little buckles said...

To nap or not to nap :) Sam stopped at 2 and is still up past 10pm but his daddy was just the same and Bella will sleep as soon you say night night. Who knows! You're so thoughtful making food for others xxx

Greer said...

Ergh, the nap drop. It was a long transition for us, awful afternoons, but easy bedtimes. Facing it all again now with the pair! Not looking forward to it at all. Good luck!

Greer said...

Ergh, the nap drop. It was a long transition for us, awful afternoons, but easy bedtimes. Facing it all again now with the pair! Not looking forward to it at all. Good luck!

Emma said...

Gorgeous tea pot! I hope your friend's son is okay. x

Anonymous said...

Our little one used to be a dreadful sleeper and up till all hours of the night, since dropping his daytime nap he is now in bed at a reasonable hour..though he does try to push the boundaries from time to time. Good luck with that.
Gifting a meal is such a wonderful thing to do, I am sure the soup will be well received. Hope your friend's little boy is on the mend.

jody said...

Such a good thing to do, I love cooking for friends and nice home cooked meal is always welcomed. Might have to drop that nap, or could you try cutting it down and wake her after say 30mins/1hour? x

Candice said...

Just on the *point. There is a complete disconnect between nutrition and healing in hospitals. When you need sustenance and comfort most you are served the least nutrient dense, whole food... madness.

Sounds like you guys have the balance right at the moment : long may it last x C

Anonymous said...

Hope your friends little one is doing better, they are lucky to have a thoughtful friend like you.
On the food in hospitals I think it needs to be remembered that budgetary issues unfortunately effect things like that, sure whole foods would be the ideal but the additional costs of the staff to prepare the food probably means it won't happen the way our system is. I have heard one hospital is moving to paper bed sheets to save costs. It's just an unfortunate reality when it comes to the priorities of government funding. Sorry to go off on a tangent there.

fast times in münchen. said...

I hear you Kellie. Elke also stays up until late every night too (last night was 10:30 - eek!). I try to keep her awake during the day but she's so exhausted by the afternoon that she'll fall anywhere - floor, stroller, bike seat, teepee etc.

Your family friend is lucky to have a caring, lentil soup cooling mate like you. I hope her son is ok?

And yes, I think you should have another one... xx

one claire day said...

I hope everything turned out okay with your friends son?!? Such a good friend you are making home cooked meals... wish I lived closer!

Dropping the sleep is going to be tough (especially with her 3 hour habit!)... but I think it'll be worth the struggle - think how nice it'll be for you and Shane to have the evenings to yourselves!

Nikki Fisher said...

Hmmm giving up the day sleep. We are in transition with that, some days yes nap some days no. On the no nap days, Sol is asleep at 6.45pm. Congrats on the easy weaning, I'm wishing for that! x


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