Rain Pain

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dear Olive,
The rain this week is getting me down. The sunshine from the weekend sadly feels all but a distant memory. But it was here, there's no denying it. And it was glorious.
PS You've basically dropped your day sleep now and on our walk home from Bronte, you fell asleep in my arms. Cute PLUS.


Anonymous said...

a beautiful sunny coastline. fingers crossed for the same this weekend. olive looks pooped and yes very cute. xo

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Yes, it was glorious! As are your photos. How adorable is Olive...OMG. You look beautiful too. x

Jodi said...

oh the rain's been a bit bleh hey. But you looked glorious in the sunshine and I especially love your use of tilt shift. Expensive lens you've got there ;) x

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit over the rain too. We've been indoors way too often lately. We did manage a Zoo visit and picnic on Monday - but that seems MUCH longer than 2 days ago...

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

look at you, you super proud mumma bear.

yes, rain is killing me.

xo em


Gorgeous photos! Love the one of you and Olive - just beautiful! x

Anonymous said...

Man what a stunning coastline!
We've had two days break from the rain but it looks set to return tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Her dozing eyes are so precious! No rain here just frost, I'll swap for some rain for a change.


CASPER said...

Sleepy baby, precious. Your photos make me homesick for the beach!

Laura said...

Feeling the rain pain here too! These photos make me miss the beach. Brisbane definitely gets a cross against it for having no beach.

You must have some strong arm muscles after that walk home!

x laura

Mama Smith said...

Wow the color of that water is amazing, looks beautiful from here rain or not!

Madeleine said...

Pretty photos and pretty lady xxx

Nikki Fisher said...

Beautiful photos Kellie. so nice to see 'your' coast. Yes strong arms indeed to carry sleepy Olive but it is oh so cute when they sleep in your arms. x

melania said...

Oh, the water! And the cuteness of a sleeping babe in arms.

We had rain all week too. Sun's out now though and I'm incredibly grateful. Hope you see some soon.


Unknown said...

Beautiful! The water is so blue. We are getting pretty excited here about the move.

fast times in münchen. said...

Oh I love it when they fall asleep on you. Reminds me of baby 'days of yore'. I hope the sun shines again. Soon! xx

Ps beautiful photos Kel!

jen said...

It's pouring here too in the UK. The rain is really getting us all down. It's supposed to be summer! Thanks for your lovely comment over on my blog yesterday and for following. I love that photo of the diggers - at first I thought it was a toy one! x

jody said...

I love this last photo, beautiful. x

Amanda Jane Jones said...

what a beautiful place!


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