Hair Today

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear Olive,
You were born with a decent covering of soft, dark hair. Which promptly fell out.
When you turned one, you were still pretty close to bald, with just a hint of possibility peeping around from behind your ears.
By the time you turned two, you were sporting a show stopping, bona fide mullet. Nothing at the front, and a cascade of curls partying down the back.
Now, a week out from turning three, a full head of hair including a fringe (and with no less than seven dreadlocks at the back) looks up at me from where I sit.
Oh, how far you've come in three short years! I couldn't be more proud of that knotty little bob(ish) of yours. And even though I'm yet to wrap my head around the enormity of turning three, I'm so excited there's a lifetime of hairstyles still to come.

Birth and One taken by the every lovely Prue Upton
Two taken by Shane
Three by me


Modern Day Mummying said...

She is an absolute darling with big blue eyes!

You have a beautiful little family...

SOphie xo

Madeleine said...

Oh Olive you're impressive. At three you have nailed so many awesome hairstyles and yet you have many great ones still to go that I have no doubt you will achieve with ease.
The bubble, the 'fro, the Rachel, side ponytail, the Farrah....xx

ps. When is Olives actual birthday? I have a fabric feather here that would perfectly embellish one of those dreadlocks!

Astred*designcherry said...

Oh baby Olive photos! So small and squishy.
She monster rocked the mullet.

Alison Bennett Taylor said...

And growing more beautiful by the day. Three is wonderful - enjoy it! x

Anonymous said...

She's been fierce from so early one, Olive is going to do big things for sure.
Happiest of happy 3 years.


Joanna said...

oh that mullet. Just priceless!

Alex Sunday said...

a month (and a bit) out from turning 2, and coco is still struggling to grow hair (but i'm pretty sure things are starting to happen!). i can only dream of mulletted coolness by the age of 3.

Mylittleacorns said...

you can see it growing before your eyes...she's stunning!! x

Chloe said...

Aww, how sweet.

Laura said...

She is such a cutie and that hair is so sweet I still feel sad I cut Lachie's curls off.

x Laura

fast times in münchen. said...

Olive always has been and always will be gorgeous. I love that little girl. Mullet and all!

I can't believe she is almost 3. That means Elke is almost 3. How is that possible?? xx

homemade@myplace said...

enjoy these moments!!! My boys are bigger (13&1/2 and 10), so I know what I mean!!!!
Happy Birthday Olive!
xxx Alessandra

Bianca (ivylovesjack) said...

such character in that kid! her hair just seems to suit her!

Sarah said...

Sooooo sweet! Isn't it funny how their hair does funny things at the start. What sweet little girl!!!

- Sarah

Unknown said...

So cute! Wishing Olive a very happy birthday for next week. Three is such a lovely age. Caroline x

...Nina Nixon... said...

Happy birthday little Olive - that mass of dark hair replace with the most gorgeous of curls and those beautiful big eyes...happy birthday little one.

Nina x

Unknown said...

Aww sooo sweet <3 she is just the cutest! and those eyes...melt! you have a beautiful family. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog x

Unknown said...

Love the mullet! Such cute photos

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

Happy three Olive, you little uber styler.

Kell, have SO much crazy fun in Mexico- i'll be thinking of you getting a tan and drinking 70c coronas!

have one for me

xo em

Unknown said...

She is just precious! Happy birthday to your cute little one!

Ellen Arthur said...

lovely :) dont you just love it when the curls turn wild. I think I will cry the day that I get Noah a haircut! xx

Francesca said...

the mullet is brilliant!
i was just like that, no hair, then very short very straight hair by the time i was 2, then suddenly, curls galore! x

Unknown said...

What a beautiful little girl you have.

Emily x

Anonymous said...

Happy 3 Olive!


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