Summer Holiday

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dear Olive,
Summer holidays on the mid-North Coast. Mornings at the beach, river picnic lunches, lazy afternoons of reading and cricket watching, and far, far too much food and drink. Clothes (for the kids, anyway), were always optional; hanging with your cousins was not. There was much paddling pool action, painting, and (with four girls in the house) plenty of fairy dresses. As someone who doesn't particularly like the heat, I'm really growing to love summer holidays in this country*. Lots of long, slow, sandy days that meld into one another in a delightful way. In an act of stupidity for which I only have myself to blame, I lost nearly all of my photos (I'm really having no luck with technology lately - and I SWEAR the ones I lost were truly amazing and far more interesting than these), but here is a small collection from the ones I have.

I'm acutely aware of how many people are struggling thanks to the extreme conditions of our summer, and my heart goes out to them. It is not without gratitude and a sense of luck that I appreciate our whimsical and carefree summer holidays.


1. Anonymous said...

Lovely, how lucky Olive is to grow up with cousins close in age, that's one of my best memories of childhood.


2. Anonymous said...

Lovely, how lucky Olive is to grow up with cousins close in age, that's one of my best memories of childhood.


3. ashley said...

I have been soaking up summer too. Beach, cricket watching {I.e. naptime for me} , kiddy pools- umm, basically the same summer! It does seem crazy to be in the right spot to enjoy lazy days when so many others are struggling. Grateful. Xx

4. Cat said...

It's so nice when little ones have cousins to hang out with, to grow up together with and have adventures. I miss the fairy dresses they are so cute in our house Miss 8 doesn't dress up so much anymore. xx

5. hello milky said...

Summer holidays are the best. Happy new year to you Kellie! xx
PS. Shane has really good teeth!

6. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

cousins much?? TWINS (or triplets.. or something... you know what i mean. they look alike, okay)

xo em

7. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

snap! Totally just comment on each others blogs AT THE SAME TIME!!!

8. Amber said...

Wow such fantastic summer pics and such happy little faces!

9. Unknown said...

Such a cute grin! Gorgeous x


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