
Monday, February 4, 2013

Dear Olive,
Olive: A big frown, contemplating what animals might be lurking below the waves. Only, the frown has more do with being photographed than the contemplation.


1. Iliska Dreams said...

So adorable! Those curls, the expression... Olive just gets cuter and cuter.


2. Unknown said...

Those eyes - filled with so much expression. Beautiful image, Kellie.

Sar xx

3. . said...

Beautiful photo. That gaze is adorable as are those curls! x

4. Kandice Breinholt said...

this portrait has me thinking of my little one. the hair, the frown.

little olive is a beauty.. xx

5. fast times in münchen. said...

Gah! She is beautiful Kel. xx

6. Lila Wolff said...

She's awesome Kellie x

7. Megan.K. said...

I like the serious/non cheesy portraits as much as the smiling ones (sometimes more).
My two ham it up as soon as a camera comes out...
Lovely photo.

8. Jennifer said...

Lovely photo! She is adorable and those curls, beautiful!

9. Melissa said...

Look at that little face framed with curls. So cute!!!

10. Cory said...

Olive and my daughter would hit it off well. They know how to give a good frown ; )

11. Lindsey Louise Bales said...

oh goodness, how cute is your blog?! i love these little curls in her hair.. such a doll!

lindsey louise



What beautiful hair you have Olive! I was always a frowner too, it's good to be inquisitive! x

13. little wild moose said...

Frowners are awesome! (Coming from a serial childhood frowner, and also mother of one!) x

14. little miss olive said...

hello! your olive is just so gorgeous...

...and i love your blog! i have been meaning to comment for ages now...what a terrific idea to have your blog set up as letters to your daughter.


15. Alex Sunday said...

oh those curls. and i do love that paint on the hand. it feels very familiar to me these days. (note to self - take more photos of my girls! though i am jealous that olive doesn't start hamming it up as soon as you have the camera out. maybe the trick is for me to get it out more so it's not such a novelty that requires a yell of "PHOTO!!" from Coco).

16. fast times in münchen. said...

I've said it before and you know I'll say it again (and again and again...) Olive has the most divine hair, eye skin shade/tone/colour combo. x

17. barbara said...

an intense portrait! love it!

18. Anonymous said...

Gorgeous curls!


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