
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dear Olive,
It's been ten years now, without my Mum. I can't really put into words exactly what this means, or feels. But in ten years, she's missed out on a lot. (As have we, missed out on her.) I don't know if she is, but I hope she's out there somewhere, watching sometimes. Smiling.


1. Lila Wolff said...

I'm so sorry you don't have your mum Kel, lots of love to you.

2. Cory said...

May your grandmother always be remembered. I'm sure if she was here, she would spoil Olive rotten ; )

3. Sally @ Us+House=Home said...

She had a beautiful name. And I'm sure she's watching and smiling. xx

4. Andrea @ little buckles said...

It's scary how fast time flies ( for me 10 yrs my dad ). Your mum had a beautiful name. Hugs from afar xxxx

5. Joanna said...

Thinking of you... xx joanna

6. Greer said...

Frightening how quickly that time evaporates. Big love to you, Kellie. Beautiful photos xxx

7. Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Beautiful photos for a beautiful memory. X

8. ashley said...

Oh Kellie, I am sure she watches you and Olive with a huge glowing smile on her face. Big love. Xx ashley

9. Astred*designcherry said...

You know strangely I was thinking about you and you loosing your mum today - completely out of the blue, I swear I'm not stalking you :p - and I just couldn't comprehend the utter loss and hole it would create.
I am so sorry you have missed out on time with her and I definitely believe that she is out there keeping an eye on you.

10. Emma said...

Oh this brought tears to my eyes, the sense of loss must be overwhelming sometimes. The flowering gum you have planted is beautiful. x

11. Nikki Fisher said...

Dear Kellie and Olive, very difficult to type and read when my eyes are filled with tears but just want to say you are both totally beautiful in all the ways that we readers see you here and I am very sorry that your mum and grandmother is not here in person to be with you but I do believe she is all around and within who you both are. Thinking of you xx

12. Candice said...

The words used on her plaque are just so beautiful. The love is so evident x

13. Anonymous said...

This seems like a bittersweet moment. You've captured your thoughts beautifully.

14. Francesca said...

she would be very proud kellie. and smiling a lot. x

15. Kate said...

I can't imagine... No doubt she is always with you and Olive :) She seems like she was a wonderful woman! Lots of hugs to you x

16. Kate Jinx said...

Oh Kell... big big love. You're brave and wonderful. xx

17. oscarlucinda said...

Thinking of you Kellie. It looks like a beautiful resting place x

18. Little Nan said...

What a lovely flowering gum in honour of your Mum.....wish I had done the same for my Mum who we lost a few years ago...
you may have missed out on sharing alot with your Mum, but she hasn't missed a thing! x

19. hello milky said...

She'll always be with you smiling. Hugs to you Kellie xx

20. Kristi said...


21. Gaby said...

I can't imagine either. You must miss her so much. Lots of hugs xoxo

22. Anna @ green tea n toast said...

What a lovely post. I can't even begin to imagine how ten years without her would feel. x

23. Anna @ green tea n toast said...

What a lovely post. I can't even begin to imagine how ten years without her would feel. x


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