Martian & Friends

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dear Olive,
I realised I haven't made a proper mention on here of a whole group of people who play a rather significant part in your everyday life. (Once, way back here, I said I'd save it for another letter, so here it is, almost 12 months on.) I don't really recall the circumstances in which Martian came into our life. One day, she didn't exist. The next, we were opening car doors and setting an extra place at the dining table for her. It was just her for a while, but sometime around the middle of last year, her story grew bigger. Martian has a sister called Carrotty. Martian has a dog called BellaMartians Mum died. Martians been on a roller coaster. Martian has a friend called Rainbow. Anything you haven't done or seen or eaten or tried, Martian has. And if not Martian, then Carrotty. You tell long and elaborate stories about each of them. They all came to Mexico with us, you know. And when we go out walking, you often have Bella on a lead. Shane and I have to wait for you sometimes ... sit, Bella, sit. She's incredibly disobedient that martian dog. It's endlessly entertaining for us all.

Photos: Talking up some tall tales at the park, and a tattoo you drew on me of Martian (with one eye) holding a balloon.


Rin said...

What a splendid imagination.

Alex Sunday said...

how magical! i had an imaginary friend called Barzen who was just as real. apparently one day i flushed him down the toilet and that was the end.

Nell said...

She is pure awesomeness xx

Lila Wolff said...

So far no imaginary friends in our house.
I wonder if Olive will be a storyteller?

Unknown said...

oh that's so cute, i think i would have been tempted to get that drawing tattooed! (even though i don't have a tattoo!!)

Bianca (ivylovesjack) said...

She is hilarious. I had 'Purpose' when I was little, I even remember exactly what he looked like!

vindiebaby said...

Cute :) I wish I had one when I was little
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Anonymous said...

THAT is the best post I've read all week. I love her imagination!!

Tigerlilly Quinn said...

thats the best tattoo I've ever seen :) x


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