
Friday, May 3, 2013

Dear Olive,
We survived the first week of our (rather punishing) new schedule. Just. With help from a ton of weekend cooking, generous friends (thanks Mel!) and family (thanks Sarah!), and the most amazing neighbour ever (that'd be you, Jette!), we survived. I've missed you so much I could cry, but I'm happy in this job too. It's a big adjustment for all of us, but especially for you - having had two parents around for so many months, to now having us both working, and you're coping amazingly well. It can be difficult to explain the intricate workings of life to a three year old, but, for the most part, I don't feel guilty about leaving you. (I'm trying not to, anyway.) I want you to know that it's important to be fulfilled as a mother, but also as a woman - and that there are many ways for you to do this. One of them takes you away from your family. But that's just the way it is.

16 weeks and two days to go.


1. Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Glad to hear your week was manageable. I bet Olive had a ball with all her different carers too! x K

2. Melanie Waugh said...

My pleasure! We love that girl xoxo

3. Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it's falling in to place.

4. little wild moose said...

I love the last three sentences - they are little pockets of gold. Olive will thank you later in life for teaching you this. x

5. one claire day said...

I've been thinking of you all... so glad to hear you've got a good support network you can call on. Don't feel guilty at all - you are doing an amazing thing for your family (I'm feeling guilty over her for not doing enough to contribute to our diminishing finances! I'll get this business going one of these days! ) x big love kel xxx

6. Jodi said...

As the partner of the person in the film industry I'm beginning to understand its fickleness (and bloody long hours!)

For you, it's your art and I think when it comes to creativity there is always sacrifice. But it's only four months and I bet you'll do brilliantly (as you've done before).

Excuse what may seem like a ramble. It's late, I'm waiting for my partner in the film industry to return home ;) x

7. Greer said...

Wise words, Kel. x

8. Ronnie said...

I love those last three sentences of yours as well...
Ronnie xo

9. Madeleine said...

Kellie I love your words so much in this post. SO MUCH! They ring really true. Thinking of you lots you clever, lovely, super lady xxx

10. ::The Beetle Shack:: said...

I so love your perspective Kellie. Such wisdom.

xo em


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