
Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear Olive,
Yeah, but is your response to many things at the moment. Often followed by an irritating and irrelevant argument. Often followed by an irritating yet convincing argument. Sometimes followed by simply trailing off, leaving that irritating-on-its-own phrase just hanging by itself. And sometimes, even, by saying Oops, I said yeah but again.


Anonymous said...

Yeah but she is seriously gorgeous!

kirstyrosa said...

Yeah but again... that smile could explain away a lot! Such a fun (and argumentative!) age!

Iliska Dreams said...

Yeah but, what a clever girl

Astred*designcherry said...

Reminds me of a song my older brother used to sing on loooong holidays in the back of the family van:

"I know a song that irritates people, irritates people, irritates people, I know a song that irritates people and it goes like this:
I know a song that irritates people, irritates people, irritates people, I know a song that irritates people and it goes like this... "Repeat and repeat

Kate said...

What! When did she get so big?!!

Melanie Waugh said...

such a pretty little girl xx

Anonymous said...

Have discovered your blog through The Wholefood Mama. Beautiful photographs, I look forward to having a little look around!

s t E f a N i a said...

what a wonderful shot!


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