The Humpback

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dear Olive,
During our Winter months, the magnificent, awe-inspiring humpback whale makes its annual migration from Antarctica up to warmer waters in North Queensland. We are incredibly fortunate because not only do we live around the corner from the route the Whales take, but living with us, is Sydneys Premier Whale Spotter*, Shane. On Monday, in that time between afternoon and preparing dinner, we took a walk to see if we could spot any Whales. We didn't. But we did see some pretty amazing post-rain, dusk-time light.

* This is a self-appointed title, and one I must admit to having reservations about after the 'is it a seal, no its a piece of seaweed' affair.


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous place your gorgeous family lives. x

Joanna said...

I can't believe you just "took a walk" there. I do love my Melbourne, but that spot you've got there is pretty incredible. Fingers crossed for whale spotting soon... (and the seal/seaweed comment made me chuckle) xx joanna

ButterandBuntings said...

Beautiful photos!

Astred*designcherry said...

Love whale spotting. We had our wedding reception at Clovelly bowling club and watched whales breeching up the coast all afternoon.
Maybe the perfect birthday gift for Sydney's Premier Whale Spotter is a pair of binoculars?

Nikki Fisher said...

Totally beautiful series of photos Kellie just love the colours and the whole feeling of this moment x

Anonymous said...

The lighting in these photos is just lovely, :)

jody said...

I spent my childhood doing the very same thing, oh the memories. And that light - stunning! xo

Iliska Dreams said...

Wow! You images so make me want to live where I can smell the ocean.

jay said...

oh i do love whale spotting, it is gentle, delightful and the most perfect practice of sitting or standing, still (albeit often with a beating heart and active eyes). Happy Whale watching season to you, we will be starting this week and hoping that it extends as long as it did last year. xxx

Bianca (ivylovesjack) said...

Such beautiful photos!


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