52: the ones that got away

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dear Olive,
It was always so tough picking just the one each week. Here are some of the ones that didn't make it in the 52 portrait series.
PS Great idea, Claire - it was such a fun exercise, looking back on my photos from the year. I look at these and I'm reminded of the moment I was trying to capture. I think my photography has improved somewhat! And you hair has grown gang busters. But more than anything, you've gained so much confidence in yourself and you abilities.


Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Longer hair and a more mature face! A year really does change so much doesn't it? Merry Christmas xx

Anonymous said...

Oh the picture with the muffin tins is adorable!

Imogen said...

Kel these are all so… Olive! All of them! They're great! x

Anonymous said...

In love with second pic

one claire day said...

Just love all of these Kellie! X

Nikki Fisher said...

The doll and the cupcake papers too cute! Happy New Year Kellie an exciting year ahead for you with baby on the way x


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