
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dear Olive,
We're home from our christmas holiday break. Walking into our flat, it all felt so strangely foreign, like it belonged to someone else. After the great expanse of space (inside and out) of my Dads house in the country, our walls feel too close and our windows too small. Even the views out of them - all we see are more buildings. This space, which I haven't visited or thought about since we've been away, feels like something distant too, a far off memory. I don't know what it's all about. But what I do know is that we had a wonderful trip. Christmas with my family up north, then down south for new years with friends. Even a night in a fancy hotel (in Bondi, of all places). Our days passed with a gentle mix of swimming and eating and reading and resting; so slow they bordered on the boring - but the slow pace suited me delightfully. It's been really lovely.

PS Shane completely and ridiculously spoilt me with a new camera for christmas! Can you tell? (I feel like I'm still figuring it out, and probably will for some time.)


akenney said...

Such lovely babies and smiles all around!

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Ooo which camera were you gifted?

tonia said...

beautiful snaps miss xx

Jane S said...

Love your photos and your words! Keep us posted on the new camera. Happy 2014 to you :)

Tanya said...

Hi, so hard to find a good hat (with a decent brim). Love the red floral one on Olive. Any leads?

Unknown said...

I was thinking that your photos were looking particularly beautiful - lucky duck!

I'm having a similar strange relationship with our house as well at the moment. Everything is looking a little less like home. With plans to move to Melbourne at the end of the year, our house is giving us weird vibes. Grass is always greener, right? Xx

Cassie Webster said...

Beautiful pictures. And I adore the little dress. Happy New Year xx

Nikki Fisher said...

Yes! I can tell. I was scrolling through the pictures thinking wow have to leave a comment about these beautiful photos ( I have always liked your photography but there was something 'extra' about these that I couldn't put my finger on - that'd be the new camera!) lucky you! Enjoy playing with it xx


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