
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dear Olive,
A fairy dress and high tops for a Saturday night pizza date with me. We've had a couple of special outings this week, just the two of us. All of a sudden, it dawned on me how fleeting this just the two of us time really is, so I'm reminding myself to spend the next two months savouring it.

Linking up with Jodi.


1. Small Catalogue said...

And that is exactly how I imagine real fairies would dress. Perfectly sassy.

2. one claire day said...

gorgeous light, Kel! And yes... savour savour savour!

3. Unknown said...

This is flippin rad!

4. mybeardedpigeon@gmail.com said...

Ready for anything! Great outfit!!

5. sara said...


6. Belinda said...

I am so in love with this capture x

7. Anonymous said...

LOVE that she wore this for your pizza date! What a great capture :)

8. Anonymous said...

What beautiful lighting. Though I have no child myself (yet), I'm so inspired by the photography of those who participate in the 52 project. What talent!

9. Nikki Fisher said...

Best picture ever! xx


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