
Monday, March 10, 2014

Dear Olive,
I'll never stop loving you, Pepper! You tell her all the time.
Uncooperative is the word that springs to mind when I think about trying to capture your portrait this week. I said, no photos! has been yelled, countless times. Doors were even been slammed in my face - when I tried to photograph you in your room from the hallway. Saying good morning to Pepper proved to be just the distraction I was needing. Next week? Who knows.

Linking up with Jodi.


Anonymous said...

Eve already has phases of that, I just learned to get sneakier!

Gaby said...

it's just occurred to me that you really can't name this baby Pepper if your cat is called Pepper too ;) x

Anonymous said...

I love it! We have phases of that too. Like Lila said, get your sneaky on. Jo xx

Unknown said...

Oh heart


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