
Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Olive,
This weeks photo is kind of a cheat ... because it was actually taken two weeks ago, and not even by me*. But I really wanted to include it in as a portrait because I see so many things looking into your eyes in this photo; wildness and complexity and raw vulnerability. (Plus, having not taken any photos of my own, I was in real trouble anyway!)
* Photo by Gui & Michaela Jorge - I can't wait to share the rest of the photos they took tomorrow!

Linking up with Jodi.


Jane S said...

Gorgeous as always!

Unknown said...

Gosh, she is beautiful. can't wait to see the rest. x

Nell said...

It's beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the others :)

Rhiannon Ward @ Love Wisdom Motherhood said...

Gosh, not such a little girl anymore! xx

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Beautiful beautiful Olive x

Alex Sunday said...

wow, what a stunning photo. there is so much to see. xo

Jennifer said...

Wow what a stunning photo of your gorgeous gal, so much joy in her face!

Kezia-Eloise said...

You're right. There is something special captured in that expression. Great photo.



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