
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dear Olive,
Clancy: so many smiles (and laughs!); he has all of us well and truly under his spell.
Olive: "...and I already loved him" you said, describing to a friend the very first time you met Clancy. I don't know why it's surprised me, but in spite of him bringing so much change into your life, that love hasn't wavered once.

Linking up with Jodi.


leanne can blog said...

These are really beautiful, & 'I already loved him' is very special.

Iliska Dreams said...

The image of the two of them on the couch is divine!

Alex Sunday said...

whoa, clancy looks so much like olive in the first photo! what a pair of cuties. xo

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful little family x

jody said...

Oh that is just the sweetest. xx

tea with lucy said...

Oh Olive. . . your words melt my heart!

Hope the boobs aren't giving you any more grief love.

rachel xo

tea with lucy said...
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emily said...

"i already loved him"... ridiculously gorgeous!!!
(hoping my little man feels the same following the new arrival soon too) Your two are just divine Kelli


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