
Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear Olive,
I've been absent from this space (physically, and even more so, emotionally) for so long, that I barely know how to re-enter it. Do I recap the past couple of months? Or do I creep back in, acting like I never left it at all? I think I'll opt to creep back in, at least for now. (In part because, as lovely as they've been, the last few months have actually been rather boring in their repetitiveness.) 
We've just returned from a trip to Coffs to visit my Dad and my sister and her family. It was Clancys first trip away from home - it was funny to think that at the same age, you'd already been to Coffs twice, Melbourne and Byron. I was relieved to discover that Clancy's a pretty great traveller and it was a really wonderful week and a half for us all. The wifi reception at my Dads was kind of sketchy, and I used the time to switch off from most of my social media - it felt like an important break. I didn't have an iphone when you were born and having time away from it at Dads made me realise how much time I spend holding the phone, whilst also holding Clancy.
Unfortunately, we arrived home with some kind of lergy in tow, which we've all had to varying degrees over the past week. The worst hit was Shane, he's still down the poor fellow! (Even Clancy caught a slight sniffle *sob*. ) Is it just me, or are there some truly nasty bugs going round this season? (As an aside, I heard a discussion on the radio suggesting that coughing into the palms of our hands isn't a good way to prevent spreading infection because the virus can still be passed on to somebody who touches something you've touched. A better way is to cough into the crook of your arm. Interesting, no?)
Photos from a late afternoon spent wandering at jetty beach, barefooted and barelegged ... winter, what winter?


1. Nell said...

Hope you're all on the mend now Kellie. And glad to hear you had a lovely trip away. I absolutely know what you mean about blogging...recap or just start from now?! Too overwhelming!! Also about the phone thing. Need to step away!! Xx

2. Katrina@capturingmoments said...

Welcome back. So glad you had a nice holiday together with family. Sorry you have all been unwell, yes, we now teach kids at school to cough into their elbow and not their hands.

3. Alex Sunday said...

ergh, lurgies in these parts too. we've always taught coco to "catch your cough in your elbow" (shortened to "catch your cough" now that she knows where to catch it).
and just start from now. don't make a chore for yourself. blogging under pressure is no fun at all. xo

4. Anonymous said...

Such beautiful images to return with, hope you're all doing better now.


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