Blue Mountains

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dear Olive,

We've just returned from a little trip you and I took to visit our dear friends who are house (and dog) sitting in the Blue Mountains. It was a great trip for both of us. From your point of view, you got to ride your first train (excitement plus!), pat some friendly Beagles, hang out and play with the lovely Ada, and sleep in the bed with Mum again (very lovely for me also). From my point of view, I got to take walks, eat scones and drink French champagne with my dear friends Toby and Jane. I love seeing them as parents and I feel so happy that we're sharing a little of this amazing journey into parenthood together. Anyway, I'm exhausted, so before I give myself a sentimental wet eye, I'll end this letter here. More photos to come tomorrow.

Ada has THE most unbelievable wardrobe of handmade knits!


Melanie Waugh said...

that bottom photo is absolutely adorable!!!!!

zigsma said...

The last two images are just hilarious!


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