
Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear Olive,

We had a beautiful, relaxing weekend (think reading the papers, a sleep-in and lots of thai take-away). Saturday we actually got some sun and you loved your first nudie swim. Sunday was a 1st birthday party and an afternoon catch up with your God Nonna. Lovely lovely weekend. (Although it all ended far too abruptly for poor Dadda who had to get up at 4am this morning to get to work. Ouch.)


zigsma said...

Where did you get that hat (Olive's)
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a lovely one and just the proper style?
I should like to have one Just the same as that!"
Where'er I go, they shout "Hello! Where did you get that hat?"

(do you know this song?)

Leigh said...

So cute! I love the feet photo :)

dear olive said...

Zigsma I must admit, I don't think I've ever heard that song before. Olive's hat (chosen by Shane) came from an unreal kids store in sydney called shorties. It's by a little Sydney label called abbykins. It is very cute and definitely worthy of a song - I think anyway. The hat I'm wearing is Shane's too which he got off the movie Australia. We're all about the hats here xx

Aimee said...

Kel you are looking so mummy delicious and slim. God I would give my left arm to swim in Bondi right now - well maybe not a full arm, but definitely the arm of a jacket maybe.


The Franglaise said...

Love the hats. And the feet photo. And the beach. I love it all, really. We went to the beach as well this weekend but we wore wellies, woolly hats and scarves! xx


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