The Universe

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear Olive,

The delicate workings of the Universe is a never ending source of mystery. You know that I've been thinking about going back to work for a while now, and was wondering if my best option was to just find a part-time job in a shop. Then last week, I had an enlightened moment - I want to go back to costume, for casual days. Sure, they'll be long hours. I'll have to find a nanny. And hire a car. But the moment it formulated in my mind, the plan felt right. The Universe obviously heard me as yesterday it sent me a little bit of work. After a mad (and rather stressful) scramble, you're booked in for the day at your Aunty Anika's, I'm borrowing your God Nonna's car and I've given away my tickets to a Sydney Festival Show (damn). One day of work. Tomorrow. I feel sick to my guts, although I should probably say thanks to the Universe for listening to me. And if I could ask one more thing of the Universe ... it's to deliver to you all the love I'll be sending, all day.


1. Jgee said...

Definitely sounds like things have aligned here. Hope it all works out. I'm just starting to organise going back to work arrangements too. Man, it's stressful.

2. Lizeylou said...

Now that is the cutest picture I have seen in a long time .... gorgeous!! Hope work goes well - sounds like it was meant to be!

3. Alex Sunday said...

best of wishes for today. i'm sure your mind will be filled with olive while she's too busy having a ball with her aunty to miss you. i mean that in a good way!!

4. Notes from Holly St. said...

so funny how things work out sometimes...congrats on the new job and best of luck!

5. Frankie said...

how did you go, gorgeous? was work okay? were you okay being away from olive? and was olive okay to be away from you? so many questions...! x

6. one claire day said...

I hope you enjoyed your first day back at work! I'm sure the time spent apart from Olive will only make your time together even sweeter :)
Claire x

7. The Franglaise said...

Hi my dear. So, how was it? Did you enjoy being your previous you again? What about Olive, was she ok without her mama? As Claire said, when you work you do cherrish the moments with your little one all the more! Wishing you plenty more signs like these from the universe. xx

8. Aimee said...

Great news Kel, I am sure it will feel weird but also great. Also terrific that you and Anikka can help each other out. The cousins will relish the time so it is win win. xx PS No Birds are the cheapest car hire I think.


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