
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dear Olive,
Quite a few lovely things have recently found their way into our home.
1. Dinner plate. Couldn't afford the whole set so just bought one. Perfect for all those times I'm dining solo.
2. Cushion.
3. A couple of these map letters. No idea what to do with them or where to put them yet.
4. Globe lamp Shane found at Vinnies.
5. Tony Mott photo of your Dads old band. (He's the handsome one second from the right.)
Not only that, but it's a long weekend. What lucky ducks we are.


Nicole said...

ooo! i love that cushion. happy long weekend. x

one claire day said...

Kinda loving all of it!
I was trying to figure out where the plate was - I thought it was another cushion, like one of those suzani embroidered round cushions... then I finally realised it was infact a plate. LOVE it!

Happy long weekend :) x

Jodi said...

love it all too. especially the globe...i've been searching for one while op-shopping for ages. but that's just how it goes - when you're looking for it, you never find it. x

ejorpin said...

What a gorgeous collection of wonderful things! I especially like the plate, such great colours - where is it from?

ps. enjoy your long weekend!

Kristi said...

this is a fun post. i have been searching for a globe for ages and you found one that glows. i would say put it in olive's room.

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

Lady, i'm pleased to let you know that you can add the vintage cushion cover to your collection. Winner! emial me your address to emilyberlach@gmail.com and i'll pop it in the post!

xo em

The Franglaise said...

Love it all as well. The globe rocks as does the band photo of Shane. It's such a great shot.
Happy long weekend (also a long wkd here, yay)!

Francesca said...

all gorgeous finds espcially that amazing plate. and i LOVE the photo of your dad's band! to cool for school. (oh dear. that phrase is not cool at all. showing my age. again.)

Lizeylou said...

I love love love that plate!
And I think that photo of your Dad's band is just fantastic!

Small Catalogue said...

That plate! Oh my goodness. Just the most perfect plate. What an ace find. And the globe. That isn't half bad either.

kacey said...

Wow...your blog is such a lovely tribut to your adorable little girl. Good job on scoring that gorgeous plate...and the rocker dad :)

yaga said...

Haha, I love that you bought that one dinner plate and are enjoying it now. What a great solution! I think maybe I would try stacking books on top of the X?

We Call This Life said...

Kellie, thank you dearly for the kind comment on my blog... I love this post(I am a big thrifter/scavenger/treasure hunter and always enjoying posting my finds--such rich things have found their way into your home!--and that photograph- so lovely.... I love that your brother's name is Hayes--I have only seen one other Hayes, here in Indiana.... It is a family name--with a long story attached...
truly enjoy your blog!!


Such a great plate Kellie! Briar x

Madeleine said...

Love everything..but that plate is making me swoon! Such a beautiful colour and pattern. Good score here lady!!
ps. Rock on Sidewinder xx

Unknown said...

ooo I'm cranky about that globe... have you SEEN how much they are to buy new ... bejeezuz! I am happy however that it went to such a great place... good score Shano


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