
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear Olive,
When I first started back at work all those months ago, I found it took a few days of each job for me to adjust to being back at work and being away from you. And then at the end of the job, I'd have a few days of feeling quite lost at being back at home with you. But I must have adapted, because there is no transition period anymore. I slip right on in to whichever role it is I'm playing. Capable freelance costume lady working long hours? Yes. Stay at home Mum managing laundry, meals and park dates, in addition to being Head of Toddler Entertainment Department and Toddler Destruction Protection Unit? Sure am. Even though sometimes I crave a bit more predictability for you and I, I kind of like the unpredictability of it all too. It keeps it fresh or something. And today? Today I am the latter. After three loads of laundry, we had the most beautiful picnic with a few friends at Marks Park (seriously the BEST views going around), and I'm now about to spend almost your entire naptime rereading an old classic, drinking tea and eating tahini and honey on toast.


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

Oh nap time, you beautiful thing.

Kellie, you are super woman! How do you do it?

Small Catalogue said...

I think it so wonderful that you've found such an amazing balance.

The Franglaise said...

I think it's super that you have both roles - working mum and stay at home mum. Because clearly they both make you so happy. And costume lady? I'm impressed. Do you make them? Design them? Intrigued to know more about your talent! :)
ps: I have a giveaway on my blog, you should pop over and check it out!

Inês Seabra said...

tahini and honey on toast? never thought of that. must try! moms are super womans, really!

C said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. I never thought I could love something as much as I love nap times. I have just finished tucking into honey and toast, but with tahini? I may have to give it a go! x

CASPER said...

It's the tahini that gives you super powers! Watch out I'm gonna steal your toast, mmm...

one claire day said...

Congrats on finding your groove! Enjoy the spontaneity... it's bloody ground hog day over here x

fast times in münchen. said...

Oh yum, tahini on toast. Though I never thought to add honey. Thanks for the tip Kellie.

Here's to happy days with crazy toddlers! xx

Lizeylou said...

I think your balance is fantastic, and tahini and honey sounds yum, better give that one a try!

Unknown said...

I so want to read that book... hmmm, library tomorrow! Just read your post about breast feeding - if you're ready, Olive will respond. She really might surprise you. I know Wil did - I was dreading the wean, but in the end, it was easy peasy. Maybe give it a go, you can always go back if it doesn't work for you! Papa cuddles are really lovely for getting babes back to sleep... xo


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