
Monday, October 17, 2011

Dear Olive,
We took that mullet of yours out and showed it how to have some fun in the sand on the weekend. It is seriously out of control, with basically nothing at the front, and long knotty locks cascading down the back. Sweet times with Shane on Sunday was just not enough. We miss him again already.


CASPER said...

wowsers, go mullet go! that's fantastic!

Lizeylou said...

Yep, no doubt about it that is a mullet - but if there is any girl who can rock that look it has to be Olive!!

one claire day said...

That is one big party at the back! Love it!!
Love the Daddy time... there's never enough though, is there? x

Jgee said...

She totally rocks the mullet. It suits her and how you describe her cute little personality. Love an Alison Jay book, a big hit in our household.

fast times in münchen. said...

That mullet is a beauty Olive and looks unreal with a terry toweling playsuit to boot.

Do people really swim at the beach in October? Really? xx

ashley said...

i like that she sports absolutely no business in the front. that makes the party in the back all the more raging! x ashley

Kristi said...

her curls are so super cute though...so worth a mullet.

Nell said...

Every kid that age has to have a mullet, don't though. And I agree with Kristi - the curls make it totally worth it x

flannery o'kafka said...

That's the sweetest mullet I've ever seen.

Greer said...

That is amazing hair!

KERRY said...

i love the mullet! Keep it as long as you can I say! Bertie had a mega-mullet, but I ended up cutting it as it was out of control. Now he’s kind of stuck with a monk-like bob. She’s a beaut :) And it’s the same in my house...a Sunday is not enough daddy-time. Have a lovely week xx

Madeleine said...

OH MY LORD! That is some crazy, yet seriously brilliant mullet.
I'm impressed xx

tea with lucy said...

sweeeeeet mullet! go olive!

one claire day said...

I had to come back and take another gander at that mullet! It is THE best!

I think lalie is going to have a reverse mullet. It's growing heaps on top but she's still so bald around the back!!! haha!


jody said...

that is one crazy mullet, only a gorgeous girl like Olive could get away with it! x


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