week one

Friday, February 6, 2015

Dear Olive,
After a slightly rocky* first morning, you sailed through your first week of school. You love it! (As I suspected you might.)
But we miss you, CC and I. Before this week we filled our days with play dates and activities all revolving around you and it's been a quiet old week for the two of us**. 
I'm really looking forward to the weekend, I said yesterday. You looked at me and said I'm not. I'm looking forward to Monday.
*You sobbed. It took me completely by surprise and I couldn't help but shed a tear as well.
**Although, to be honest, Clancy has been enjoying the unfettered access to your room.


1. Nell said...

Those cotsheets!!! Amazing! x

2. Unknown said...

It blows my mind that Olive is at school, such a weird thing seeing her grow up through your lens, such a beautiful thing too!

3. jody said...

I'm so glad she is enjoying it Kellie!! x

4. akenney said...

So, so lovely.


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