what's in the box

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dear Olive,
Rather pathetically, having to put together the lunchbox every morning was one of the things I was anxious about before you started school. But with a tiny bit of pre-thought, it's actually been no trouble, and - dare I say it - enjoyable! (And let's face it, I'm at home at the moment anyway, so I've got it far easier than many.) 
I'm sure I'll laugh at my rookie enthusiasm in months (weeks?) to come, but for now I'll go with it.

| carrot sticks, avocado loaded on ancient grain sourdough, boiled egg, date, strawberries, chocolate chia seed pudding |

| leftover roast chicken, cherry tomato, dates, natural yoghurt with honey, grapes, boiled egg |

| strawberries, grain free buttered pikelets, grapes, cherry tomato, zucchini frittata muffins |

| grapes, strawberries, boiled egg, steamed broccoli, carrot sticks, mini meatballs, avocado on ancient grain sourdough |

..... and repeat!


1. Gaby said...

wow, those are some impressive lunches! does she actually eat all of it? x

2. Unknown said...

These are great lunches, And impressive serving sizes. I like to give my kids a good variety (like you)

3. Candice said...

13 years in and I still get a kick out of making interesting lunches (mind you, Day #208 the enthusiasm wanes somewhat).

Loves me a divided lunchbox.

x C

4. Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Beautiful Kell. I love doing a good lunchbox too - three years in. But they are not looking as fine as yours these days. Whats the lunchbox you're susing there? Does it have a frozen bri ck thingy in the top to keep things cold? I like it.

5. Astred*designcherry said...

Hey fancy mumma! My lunch boxes aren't as diverse and swanky but I am happy that little A is munching good foods to help his brain grow and learn. I wish he was as open with foods a Olive but at least he eats the fruit and veg I pack each day!

6. abigailemily said...

That lunch box is amazing! I only have to make a packed lunch twice a week, but I find it strangely therapeutic, and I like to imagine his face when he opens it to see what's inside! Looks like you're doing a great job!

I just also wanted to say thanks for stopping by the blog, its always lovely to hear from people and reminds me I need to visit more often and say hi!

So hi!

7. Alex Sunday said...

ooh, i've been eyeing up yumbox but they're out of stock everywhere! are you happy with the seal on things like the yoghurt? :)

8. Victoria said...

Those are some good looking lunchboxes.

9. ejorpin said...

Can you pack my lunchbox please? That all looks pretty tasty!

I was nervous about lunch boxes too, when we moved back to Australia and we started having the step-sons with us during school terms. But they're older so the basically pack their own (with a bit or reminding!). I almost kind of wish I had the chance to whip up batches of savoury muffins and crustless quiches...!

10. Anonymous said...

I've just rediscovered your wonderful, wonderful blog after a YEAR (the trials and tribulations of computers crashing and loosing all one's bookmarks... Yay for Instagram!). I grew up in Oz and now live in the UK, so every glimpse of a gum tree or a beach hits my heart - thank you for taking your gorgeous photos! Anyway, what I was going to say is that this post has made me a bit emotional (it is late), because I am reminded of my packed Vegemite sandwiches not that many years ago, and am so impressed and happy that this sort of incredible fare is now obviously the norm for kids to take to school. My sandwiches were always on sourdough too, but I was relentlessly teased for being The Organic Weirdo. So yes, just felt the need to express this... (Brits have all their lunches cooked at school and they are AWFUL).

PS. I just had to "select all the food" to prove that I am human. This has MADE MY DAY!


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