the tomatoes

Monday, August 31, 2015

Dear Olive,
Shane had to go to the Sydney growers markets last week and buy $2,400 worth of tomatoes for a commercial. It filled to the hilt an entire van. I couldn't get over the ridiculousness of his job. And I couldn't get over just how many tomatoes there were.
Needless to say, two big boxes came home with him at the end of the shoot*, so on the weekend I got pretty busy. I turned one box into lots of jars of this Indian inspired chutney. It was doing my head in trying to get the proportions exact (I mean, how could I divide and multiply "6 tomatoes" by the amount I used? I'm no maths whiz). And I added onion to mine which confused things further. And also chilli. But it turned out pretty great! I've given away six jars of it, and Shane and I are committed to consuming the rest.
I also semi-roasted a big batch in a low oven with some garlic and herbs.
And still we're handing out small bags of tomatoes to friends and neighbours.
*I'm pleased to say lots of tomatoes (& plenty of other food from the job too) were dropped to OzHarvest.


1. Brandi said...

That's pretty funny--and those tomatoes look beautiful! Glad that some went to a good cause. We have a ton of tomatoes in our garden that I turned a blind eye to this weekend...but I guess I've got to go acknowledge their presence. Hope your chutney is yummy!

2. Elisa {With Grace and Eve} said...

Wow that's a whole lot of tomatoes!! And a whole lot of money on tomatoes!! Your chutney sounds great! X


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